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  1. Lizzy1so Active Member

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    A patient brought me a leaflet they had been given at a local event advertising a company called "the orthtic works" and asked if i would recommend them. Does anyone know if these are effective orthotics, they advertise that the assessments are carried out by staff instructed by "certified pedorthists". What is a "pedorthist"?. They might be an excellent company, just wondered if anyone has heard of them.
  2. RobinP Well-Known Member

    In the context I've heard it used, a pedorthist is a podiatrist or orthotist who deals (more exclusively?)with foot/ankle biomechanics and musculoskeletal pain. I could be wrong though.

    I would be interested to know about the products they sell as their website is not yet finished and the fact that I cannot view them instantly has made me more curious.....the ultimate consumer!

    Let us know if you find out anything else


  3. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member


    I'm not certain what the training and scope of practice for pedorthists is in the UK, but in the US it is as follows: The profession of pedorthics is the provision of patient care and services by or under the direction and supervision of an ABC Certified Pedorthist to provide the application of a pedorthic device for the prevention or amelioration of painful and/or disabling conditions of the foot and ankle. A prescription is required for any pedorthic device, modification, and/or prefabricated below the knee orthosis addressing a medical condition that originates at the ankle or below.

    The pedorthic program in the US is relatively brief, in Canada it is a baccalaureate level program. Typically a C.Ped fills a Rx for a prescribing physician. Store front pedorthics is quite a bit different in paradigm than those who provide clinical services and much like podiatry, the design and fabrication of the devices is a veritable Wild West compendium of differing methods, quality and skill.

    I would pay them a visit and determine if they use a volumetric cast and reasonable assessment and modification methods based on current literature or of they are just churning out "fill the medial arch and add varus forefoot wedge" clone dandies to every patient.
  4. hughsheridan Member

    In the UK there is so no such thing as a Pedorthist - thye UK clinicians may view them as Shoe and Foot Orthotic Fitters but with a tenth of the training that UK graduate podiatrists have.

    The Orthotic Works generally exhibit at Consumer Fairs like the Ideal Home Exhibition and prescribe foot orthotics at a very high price to the visiting people. They have shells from across the atlantic that they then grind down on the stand.

    Thats their business model and market - Their are a number of similar companies doing the same. I recently saw an untrained person selling a $2 shell for £300 at Olympia Back show.

    Should a UK Podiatrist recommend them? Call them and find out. But I doubt they are setup to sell thorugh podiatrist unlike many other custom orthotic labs in the UK.

  5. Lizzy1so Active Member

    Yes, i had heard similar stories about them at county shows. seems a lot of money for an OTC device. Thanks for the info
  6. gaittec Active Member

    Hi Guys,

    I am a C.Ped. thirty years in Knoxville, TN USA. The Orthotic Works sounds just like the Good Foot Stores that operated here for a few years; and, went out of business. Selling cheap pre-fab shells with a met pad or small post added for $300.00 must have seemed like a good idea at the time.

    I have a great working relationship with many Podiatrists; and, I make orthotics wholesale for quite a few of them. In addition, I treat their patients based upon referrals for footwear and/or orthotics. I really prefer getting orthotic Rx's from Podiatrist over any other specialty. But, you would be amazed at the different approaches taken by different specialties between Podiatrists, Orthopedic MDs,
    Physical Therapists, and Chiropractors.

    I just wanted to chime in and let you know a little about C.Peds. There is a full range of reasons people become C.Peds . And there are a million approaches. Some big chains sponsor employees for the advertising value and get people certified that will never make an orthotic, much less relast a shoe or do any other modifications. And, there are guys and gals who are just as dedicated and competent (within our scope of practice) as the many fine Podiatrists on this board.

    The trend has been rapidly toward more and more training and prerequisites for C.Ped. certification. I won't get into it all (see pedorthics.org if you are curious). But, I will say that a lot of Podiatrists have obtained certification as Pedorthists. They seem to enjoy and appreciate the way proper footwear and orthotics work together.

    A lot of podiatrist here dispense shoes, due to the Therapeutic Shoe coverage for Diabetics under Medicare. A lot of my local Podiatrists fit their own patients when there are no shoe fitting problems. Then they use me for patients with special fitting needs or time consuming modification problems. I don't mind at all. So, if there is a dedicated, competent C.Ped, in your area, he or she can be a valuable ally and resource.
  7. Arjen Active Member

    I'm no fan of Good Feet either. They are not out of business however. Last I checked they had about 75 stores across North America.

    Their business model involves a unique enigma analysis that conjures up a recommendation for a "treatment" that involves a three step orthotic program. These three devices are preforms with slightly different stiffness characteristics. The stiffest of these looks a little like a Phase 4 device. This preform is supposed to give the wearer the "Alzner Effect".

    In my experience, the Alzner Effect results in foot pain, a sick feeling in one's stomach :eek: and a wallet that is $400 thinner.
  8. stanna Welcome New Poster

    Due to my recent experience I would advise you all not use or recommend the Orthotic Works company.

    I have a patient who used Othotic Works in York. The diagnostic procedure, as described by my patient, seems very suspect indeed and her condition actually deteriorated dramatically within 7 days after fitting of the "custon made" orthotics. When she rang to complain, a friend of the "Pedorthist" (she was away on holiday for a month in Thailand!) told her she was wearing the devices too much too soon! she was unable to wear them for more than 30 minutes at a time and tried 3 times per day to "get used to them", hardly "too much, too soon!". It ended up that she could not walk in the devices at all the pain in the lateral ankle was so severe (Talofibular compression).

    She explained that the consultation lasted an hour during which the devices were produced, it cost her £300! this does however include a full money back guarantee, Oh! minus the prefabrication charge of £150!! This means that if this or any other person working under the Orthotic Works company does not make one person better or indeed, as in the case of my patient make things worse, they are still on £150 an hour!! Not bad for people with a questionable qualification i.e. The "Pedorthist" title, I do not think is recognised and therefore unregulated in the UK for example by the HPC or any other recognised professional body.

    This kind of thing is happening far too often in the UK where just about anyone can set up as a "foot specialist", "Biomechanics clinic" or any other title they wish to use! and provide unsuspecting, desperate people in pain with "Orthotics". They are even charging the going rate for biomechanics treatment that Degree educated, HPC registered Podiatrists charge but without the education, training and safeguards that the HPC regulatory process provide.

    You have all taken many years of education and continuous training to get to be the medical professionals that you are today. You are fully pain up members of nationally recognised professional and regulatory bodies which safeguard the public. So don't risk your reputation on referring to just anybody! It's your patients and your hard earned reputation that will suffer.
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