< Protrusion from Kidner Site | Weil Osectomy (2nd toe) and Gastroc slide >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    So a while back I painted my toe nails without using a base coat stupidly, and my nail became a yellow tinted colour - which I was told because of the nail polish. But still, my toe nail is yellow and it's been about 2 months.
    And about a week ago, I noticed how in both my big toes, my nail had an arch at the Bottom, which was just a gap and you could actually feel under my nail from my cuticle. It feels like underneath there is another nail as it is hard unlike the skin, and it is like this...

    Toe Nails stop growing, gap in my toenail!

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< Protrusion from Kidner Site | Weil Osectomy (2nd toe) and Gastroc slide >

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