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Top Podiatrist in The World

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by William Fowler, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. William Fowler

    William Fowler Active Member

  2. W J Liggins

    W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Do you think that now he is the "top 10 podiatrist" in the world, he'll learn to write in English?
  3. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

  4. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    I been trying to work it out. I don't think they pay; it looks like RateMD has an algorithm based on the number of reviews and the average rating of the review given by patients.... if it is, then it should be easy to manipulate; just get a whole lot of happy patients to post some 5 star reviews. The podiatrist ranked numero uno has >100 5 star ratings.
  5. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Has anyone looked at the list and read the reviews beneath each nomination? I realise it's a waste of time but Dr Lawrence Silverberg's review has more information than what was intended methinks?
  6. Orthican

    Orthican Active Member

  7. Paul Bowles

    Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    LOL Mark you just made my day. That's absolutely classic.....
  8. W J Liggins

    W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Hi Mark

    Maybe Dr. Silverberg should get together with Dr.A Conte just beneath him!


  9. stevewells

    stevewells Active Member

    I remember a similar rating site (some years ago) that has something to do with toes (and dromedaries) - could probably draw some parallels to that site :)
  10. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

  11. Rob Kidd

    Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    Well, since there is humour here, I will be serious. I qualified in 1975 as a diploma in Pod Med. We do not need to play the game of what each country calls its grad today. Like a squillion people around me, I updated, got a PhD eventually, after a 2:1 in evolutionary biology. However, I received email from one of my old staff the other day; Hylton Menz, BPod, PhD DSc! Unless you know more than me, Hylton is the only pod in the world to have a DSc. I was out for lunch the other day with my current employer, Dr Sara Jones, HOD Pod, University of South Australia, and while I have a few years on her, we are neither young. We simply could help but comment upon where podiatry has gone in the 40~ years that we are talking about; diploma to DSc......................... So, right now, there is no doubt, the top podiatrist in the world is Hylton Menz, BPod, PhD, DSc. Rob
  12. davidh

    davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    Totally agree Bob!
  13. MSM

    MSM Welcome New Poster

    Podiatrist Silverberg
    Podiatrist Lawrence Silverberg not only generates fake positive reviews for himself but also runs a marketing company called Best Marketing NYC, creating fake reviews for other doctors.
    Lawrence Silverberg is a danger to the public health, and needs to be held accountable in order to prevent more people from falling into his trap of thinking he is the “best podiatrist”, which he falsely advertises with fake online reviews and through his marketing company.
  14. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    whoops ... anonymous YT channel with only one video ....


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