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  1. gregjl Member

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    I would like to see any suggestions on who you feel are the best international lecturers in Podiatry
  2. efuller MVP

    How do you measure best? Most entertaining? Clearest presentation of subject matter? Teaching you something that you do not know already? Why do you ask?
  3. gregjl Member

    I am the conference chair for our annual conference and since our conference will be virtual, we are reaching out looking for potential lecturers. Personally, I enjoy seeing lecturers that are entertaining but have relatively new content with a practical component for everyone to bring back to their offices. The Ontario Society of Chiropodists have had 35 annual conferences and over the years we have had many international speakers. With this being the second year we will hold our conference virtually, we are looking for any suggestions for international speakers. Eric, I know you have been involved in the field extensively. I have seen your contributions in Podiatry Management. If you, or anyone would like to make a suggestions, I would be happy to hear them. Cheers, Greg Lawrence lawrencedch@gmail.com
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