< Unpleasant feeling of pressure under forefoot (metatarsals) | BAD MORTON'S NEUROMA >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Hello - I had a total nail avulsion (second toe, left foot) carried out just over a month ago, and ablation with phenol. It does seem to be healing very slowly now. The toenail was removed because it was deformed and thickened (following 15+ years of distance running, nail falling off, regrowing a bit thicker each time ... ).

    The strange thing is that while the wound is healing and is reasonably comfortable, the skin further down the toe, towards the foot, is super sensitive. Literally,...

    Total nail avulsion and ablation with phenol

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< Unpleasant feeling of pressure under forefoot (metatarsals) | BAD MORTON'S NEUROMA >

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