< 1st mpj capsule inflammation | Emotion and gait >
  1. WillMo Member

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    Hi all,

    I have a patient presenting with severe tightness, but not pain, in his plantar fascia. He gets frequent cramps in the foot muscles too (takes magnesium). He is 81 years old. Details:
    - PFascia palpably tight
    - Tightness sensation extends from heel into the arch
    - Cavus foot with PF 1st ray
    - Reduced AJ ROM
    - 1st MPJ ROM restricted
    - He also has biceps femoris tendonitis and tib ant mm fatigue on one side

    Management so far (over 2 apptmts):
    - Daily massage of PFascia
    - Spiky ball massage
    - Low Dye taping
    - AJ mobes
    - DTMR calf mm's
    - Calf stretches
    - Intrinsic control exercises

    His 'tightness' sensation has gotten marginally better, but not as better as I would have liked. Is there anything I could be missing here? My main issue is that the pain isn't the main presentation, it's the tightness. Any ideas woulf be appreciated!

  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    All I can suggest is to keep doing what you are doing ... it might be a long road given his age.
< 1st mpj capsule inflammation | Emotion and gait >

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