< New Zealand Earth Quake and tsunami Nov 2016 | 10 Lazy Ways to Appear Smarter >

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    One of the most amazing and ridiculous elections campaigns is done, pre ballots are in US election day of....

    Where a small % of the population vote for the President of the US for the next 4 years ....

    As the kids say The shit is about to get real
  2. 1st vote are in - Clinton wins Dixville Notch, N.H., with 4 votes to Trump’s 2 :D
  3. Wow news this morning is going to take some time to get over

    Looks Trump is going to win

    Next thing will be to look at the world markets and how they react

    Think we are for an ugly time of it folks
  4. Sad Sad day Feel as a parent you should be leaving the world in a better place, Just does not happen and the future looking worse by the minute.
  5. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus. Off she went with a ...............
  6. feels like the circus is just about to come to town
  8. In one of the odd twists of American politics, Hillary Clinton actually won the popular vote, but lost the Electoral College. Certainly not much of a mandate for any president when he loses the race, but wins the prize...
  12. Lab Guy Well-Known Member

    (CNN)Dear internet, we don't want to scold you, but you're making it difficult.
    That viral meme your friends keep sharing of Donald Trump calling Republicans "the dumbest group of voters in the country" is not true. It's not a thing. Stop sharing it.
    While Donald Trump has said some questionable things, he never said anything even resembling this.

    If you go to factcheck.org, you will find someone made this up. Don't believe everything you read online...critical thinking 101.

  13. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Yea - thanks Steven for upholding some truth on this lame thread. My B.S detector was triggered off as well...

    I wasn't going to respond to this lame thread - but hey - it's a free world (within civilised nations/communities)... whoops, nope... it's increasingly not looking that way.

    - The propagating of FALSE INFORMATION:

    Here's that "factcheck.org" site you cited on the issue - "Bogus Meme Targets Trump"... http://www.factcheck.org/2015/11/bogus-meme-targets-trump/

    Here's another one - snopes.com who have addressed the issue/meme... http://www.snopes.com/1998-trump-people-quote/

    It's false crap like the above which has (& is) contributing to the alarming degree of (evident) destructive divisiveness in America (& even around the world)! The media propagate it, those with an agenda propagate it... then those who can't think for themselves just lap it all up... further propagating it... until we get to the stage where thousands within America (& around the world) go feral with vile behaviour.

    You just have to shake your head at the vile behaviour (sentiments & actions) of the pro-Clinton/Democrat & Left-wing supporters... not just in America but here in Australia. No respect for the democratic process, just violence & rage. The Left-wing idiots have absolutely lost it... on media, at businesses, in colleges (universities) & now on the streets nationwide across America... burning American flags, showcasing vulgar signs, cursing Donald Trump & anyone who exercised their bloody (hard fought) freedom/right to vote for who they wish... who they think is the better candidate...
    Democracy looks to be going down the @#$%^*! toilet!...

    You can't make this stuff up :mad:.

    All the while there is the likes of this... "#NotMyPresident" being dished out & subsequently being supported by emotive ratbags... the divisiveness, intolerance, hate & violence will continue to harm America. It is not Trump himself who is dangerous (or the most dangerous)... it is the unhinged Lefties who (hypocritically) preach tolerance but won't tolerate anything other than their own opinion (or their own vote)!

    The above is not targeted at those who sincerely thought Clinton was a better candidate... & have accepted the outcome... & thus wish the best for America.

    For the record (which needs to highlighted on this forum) - I am not a "Trump supporter" (besides I'm Australian anyway)... but I would have voted for Trump over Clinton. As I've said before on this forum - he is the lessor of two evils. As I've also said on this forum... it is unfortunate that out of around 319 million people, America had those two to choose from. Hence memes like the following...

    What I am against is the Left-wing globalist agenda, “identity politics” (pitting people/groups against each other… contributing to intolerance, racism, bigotry)... & the associated attributes mentioned above.

    Now, I'll just wait for the name-calling.
  14. Lab Guy Well-Known Member


    I resonate and enjoy reading your insightful writing in the Podiatry Arena.
  15. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Thank you Steven.
< New Zealand Earth Quake and tsunami Nov 2016 | 10 Lazy Ways to Appear Smarter >

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