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  1. footmaster Member

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    Hi, can anyone tell me about these new shoes that I have seen advertised recently, has anyone tried them or have they received any feedback from their patients?

  2. Griff Moderator

    I have seen several patients this year who have presented with calf tears, Tendinopathic Achilles and Tibialis Posterior structures and metatarsal stress fractures after trying these (and similar) shoes.

    I obtained 2 pairs of vivobarefoot for my future wife in June, and have since successfully transitioned her into running her thrice weekly 5k in them. She is enjoying her running more than ever, and her transient knee symptoms have not troubled her thus far.

    Take from those anecdotes what you will.

  3. Craig Payne Moderator

    Re: Vivo barefoot Shoes

    Ditto. Which is the exact types of injuries you would expect to see - as the rearfoot inversion moments are higher, the midfoot and ankle dorsiflexion moments are higher when running barefoot or in minimalist shoes.
    There is probably a reduction in the knee adduction moment in barefoot/minimalist shoes (but an increase in the abduction moment) which could account for that.
    ...anecdotes that are consistent with the science.
  4. footmaster Member

    Thank you Ian G and Craig for sharing your experiences and knowledge, it is appreciated :D
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