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    Nice example of how the media can put a provocative spin on research findings:

    Obesity is 'contagious,' study finds

    Rather than transmission by viruses, the study actually looked at the role of behavioural networks in obesity, ie: the idea that if you socialise with people who think it's OK to be overweight, then you are more likely to become overweight yourself.

    So don't worry too much about sitting next to the fat bloke on the train. Just don't become friends with him ;)
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Great article!!
    I knew the baptists were to blame. Probably comes from having proper bread at communion rather than wafers like the anglicans. :D

    Whats the message here? tell your children not to talk to strangers or fat people? Shun them into submission? Herd them all onto the isle of white to quarentine them?

    A strange world in which we live!

    (My bmi is in the low 20's so don't worry, you won't catch it by posting in the same threads as me.)
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