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    Hello all,

    Does anybody know of anywhere I can purchase a 2nd hand nail drill, ideally for doms?
    My Hadawe wet drill which i purchased in 2006 and only used a couple of time will no longer spray!! engineer boyfriend has tried to fix it but to no avail..He was amazed at the quality inside and could not believe I had paid £600 pound or so for it!!

    I was wondering what views anyone had on which one to get?
    Most of my work is doms so size is important. At the moment I am using one from ebay which was only about £20 and is brilliant, all the pieces fit in the chuck perfectly so all autoclaveable but hate wearing a mask.

    Also is it true that the wet spray is no good for doing o/c nails?? but is better for enucleating corns etc? I cant remember what my wet spray was like to use on these nails!!

    Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  2. 1st I would suggest that you wear the best quaility mask you can find wet or dry drill. I would not fancy fungal nail particles in my lungs.

    So therefore your 20 pounds should do the trick with money put to good masks.

    Also the best tool for enucleating corns is not a drill, but a d 15 blade on the end of a scapel handel. Less dust.faster.neater

  3. cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    I echo M weber on this, especially the bit about enucleating corns!

    In my book " no drill" would be the way to go, never used one in 17 years of practise.

  4. twirly Well-Known Member

    I have never seen a corn enucleated with a drill!
  5. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi Mature student,
    I have also never seen a corn enucleated with a drill. i would imagine it would create quite a lot of dust.
    I wonder what were you taught when you trained about the use of drills and protection from dust and other microrganisms?

    I would agree with M Weber that enulcleating a corn is best done with a No 15 blade.

    However, each to their own, and if you need/want to buy a nail drill I would invest in the best dust-extracting model you can find. After all, you only have one pair of lungs ! e-bay is always good for second hand suplies.

    I have never use a "wet" drill but all the feedback I have from colleagues who do indicates that they have a tendency to break down on a regular basis.

  6. cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    I believe that the wet drill is the answer to a FHPs prayer. Lack of skills equates to using a drill to do the job for you.

    Ask the private trainers to respond,as it seems that it is the products of their courses that keep these companies in business.

    I have personally witnesses the results of drill overuse, it is not a pretty sight.

  7. hann Active Member

    how on earth do you enucleate a corn with a drill???? I would only use a dust extracting drill anywhere which for a dom would mean lugging it around. You could reduce the nail with a scalpel though. hann
  8. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  9. Hi All and thanks for the replies,

    There was a web page that I viewed today when trying to look at any info and the "enucleating hard corns with a wet drill" was from this and there was mention of not using a wet spray drill on nails and I was a bit confused!!

    I dont know the specifics about how this could be used but I have never done it and personally have always use a 15 blade and not a drill..

    So sorry for the raised eyebrows!!
  10. George Brandy Active Member

    Ah but....

    I bet those wet drills get those roots out where the 15 blade fails....:craig:

  11. George, I would think so too. It is obvious a lot of pods dont like them though!!:eek:
  12. Graeme Franklin Active Member

    Reading this thread prompted me to get out an old promotional video of Podospray featuring the late Dr Van Lith, Podiatrist, a real gentleman. In in he enucleates corns and debrides nail sulci with great gusto!

    I go for a wet drill...

  13. markleigh Active Member

    I have dust extraction on each of my drills & wear a mask (when I remember - a bit slack). Is there a mask that is recommended & do others wear masks routinely for nail debridement/sanding disk for heels etc?
  14. Graeme Franklin Active Member

    I use 3M FFP1 when I remember, nice and comfortable (for me). I also have a Filtair 300 running in the background which filters down to micron level.

  15. Seamus McNally Active Member

    I have a good drill but like earlier posts rarely use it - too hypochondriacil to inhale dust. Last year the School of Podiatry in Galway asked the students on the health and safety Masters to evaluate podiatry surgeries re dust in the athmosphere before during and after a clinic. When asked I jumped at the chance to justify my neuroses, and was monitored (for dust, silly, not neuroes). They were actually pleased to have a clinic which did not routinely use a drill They promised to send me the overall results, but I have not heard yet. I'll post the results when I get them.
  16. starfish3211 Member

    It appears the British market is no too pro -drills. I did my training there and learned to do everything manually . Having said that, the CORRECT use of trhe drill makes your life much easier and faster. I have had the wet podispray from Gerlach for 10 years and only had to have it servied once. I now use it for dom. and have bought the wet and dry/suction combo from Gerlach. Great !!. Another brand I realy like is Baehr. The both have lights on the wet drill and when havin gpad light specially when doing dom. visits I find it very helpfull. Depending on the type of enucleation , I use the no 15 blade or drill. Very poluar here in Germany now are the turbine drills. Hellish pricey though and noisy. Hadewe is not know for their customer service and therefore I would stick to a brand that has good after-sale service. I know here in Germany Eduard Gerlach and Baehr as well as RUCK are very good and has great support.
  17. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi Seamus,
    That sounds like a very interesting study. I, for one, would be very interested to see the results.


  18. MJJ Active Member

    I use the Orthofex Micro Air drill. It's a nice little drill but it is quite loud and I'm starting to wonder what the long term effects on my hearing will be.
  19. Seamus McNally Active Member

    Having said that, the CORRECT use of trhe drill makes your life much easier and faster.

    Any tips on the correct use? And you wil see catalogues full of every shape and size of burrs but I might as well be loking through my wifes cosmetic suitcase for al the sense it makes?
  20. brendanreidy Member

    Hi Mature Student,

    I am also wavering between buying either a wet or a dry drill, I must say at the moment I am leaning towards the dry. This is sheerly based on the amount of time I have had to spend with my current trusty (but unhealthy) Dremmel thinning out very thick nails. I'm thinking that were I to be using a water spray drill for extended periods, the patient's foot will be covered in a fine layer of mud, not a nice prospect.

    I will probably go for a dust extraction drill coupled with a good mask. The only problem I have with masks is that I wear glasses and I find that after a short while the condensation coming out of the mask makes my glasses mist over (any suggestions anyone?)

    I do have to agree with everyone else re the enucleation of corns, you'r far better of with a No.15 on a No.9, how else will you be able to tell when you've got down to nice pink skin again, the only way you'd know with a drill is when you see the bur turn red (ouch). It does seem there are a good number of people out there who are not confident (or skilled?) enough to use a blade, drilling is the less skillful and more inefficient option for these people.

    Well, that's my two 'pennorth anyways, good luck..

  21. Seamus McNally Active Member

    hi catfoot,
    That study is now published in "Annals of occupational hygiene 2012; 10.1093/annhyg/mer124

    I think I saw the ref. for the site put up by Admin a short time ago?
  22. Tim VS Active Member

    Not sure but I believe a recent study indicated that wet spray drills did not significantly reduce airborne particles compared to a suction drill. I remember a rep many years ago assuring me that I did not need to wear a mask as the wet spray drill did not create any dust! The spray does keep the drill bit cool and patients seem to like them.

    Whichever drill you use I would certainly recommend a proper filtration mask and room filtration unit as well if you are using one in clinic.

    Personally I no longer use a drill as I am concerned about the occupational health risks and overall hygiene issues. I seem to manage well enough without it.

    I've got a couple of wet spray units for sale if anyone is interested!


  23. grosit01 Member

    Doesn't a wet drill send clumps of wet nail flying? I use a suction drill, and when I tackle a rather gryphotic nail I apply chlorhexadine to cool as I reduce, but wet clumps can fly about.
  24. grosit01 Member

    And I manually file most of the time, drills are for professional nail cutters lol
  25. Blue123 Active Member

    No drill.....at a push Hadewe SB is a decent standard for dry drilling. Only ever used a podospray attachment for wet drilling/corn enucleation but the results are no better or more efficient? I have been told that wet drilling eases the sensitive pt - is this true?
  26. phil Active Member

    I use a podospray wet drill. its fantastic for gryphotic nails. you can reduce the burr speed and spray amount so it's not messy at all.

    its also really great for painlessly debriding very tricky helomas. And yes, I know how to use a scalpel blade! It's just the wet drill is better and can get deeper. Sometimes its amazing how deep you can drill into a foot.

    dentists have been using spray drills forever.
  27. moofour21 Member

    How on earth do people deal with severe OG and OX nails if they don't drill? Used well they can transform patients lives in one session....

    Many use 15t blade for corns then a tiny ball burr on the drill to finish. Fantastic results.
  28. phil Active Member

    totally agree. using a tiny little burr to remove the very base of the corn makes a huge difference in the time between treatments.
  29. grosit01 Member

    Mmmmmmm, Ive only just started utilising the tiny burrs, Ill have to give it a shot on the base of HD's, Cheers for the info
  30. phil Active Member

    but watch out if you've only got a vac drill, the burr will get hot! you really need a spray drill for this technique, I think.
  31. grosit01 Member

    Na all good, ill keep applying chlorhex from the spray bottle
  32. grosit01 Member

    Cheers Dr Phil,
    I love this website, I feel like a podiatry nerd but I just cant stop using it, I am on it all day and night!
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