< CAD/CAM as normal procedure for foot orthotics | An Estimate of Foot Arch Height >
  1. Robertd Welcome New Poster

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    Please do not name labs. What do you like about your current lab, why did you leave your previous lab, what could your current lab do better?
  2. I get what I want, when I want it at material cost price. I have total control over the process, from start to finish- I make my own devices.;)
  3. Craig Payne Moderator

    I know I say this a lot - "we have some data and will publish it one day", but I do have some data on this. At a boot camp many years ago we did a survey that asked people what custom made lab they used; why they used it; and what would it take for them to change (we also asked the same questions about prefabs)

    The most common answer to 'what would it take for you to change?' came down to service. Very little to do with the actual product itself!
  4. Atlas Well-Known Member

    The momentum away from teaching orthotic manufacturing at tertiary level...will further erode our (podiatrists) ability to critique what comes out of a lab.

    Physiotherapist (Masters) & Podiatrist
  5. Kevinl Member

    Customer service is a must with any vendor but I would have to lean more towards the overall patient complience.

    1-Review the scan with the patient to point out the areas of concern that we discussed during the office visit.

    2-Create the orthotic style and hit send.

    3-Schedule the dispensing day next week and done!!!

    4-If it aint broke,don't fix it!!!;)
  6. domhogan Member

    Before we start asking questions about pros & cons of labs & clinical outcomes, shouldn't we visit clinician measurement error (intertesrer & intratester reliability) again, which is what our prescription is based on?
  7. gez Member

    The lab we use is very approachable, the technicians are more than happy to talk trough and funky modifications I require.

    I agree customes service is hugely important.
  8. podcare Active Member

    Totally Agree. I had the good fortune of working in a lab during my first 5 years of work as a Podiatrist. Orthotic technicians can often hide their mistakes. Those who have worked in a lab will know this and will often pick up mistakes that may otherwise be missed.

    I would love to make my own devices from start to finish but, like most Podiatrists, you have to decide where your time is best spent.

    Communication with your lab is crucial. Any lab problems we've had in the past have been resolved through clear communication of our needs. If we don't get what we need and want at a fair price - we move to another lab.

    In some cases I will manufacture the device myself either partially or completely. Fortunately, I rarely need to do this these days.

    Interesting thread - look forward to other responses!
  9. Like Simon, we are fortunate enough to have the facilities on site.

    By keeping full control over the process (analysis, diagnosis, casting, mould taking/modification, creation, fitting) we can be sure that we are (and thus the patient is) getting exactly what we want.

    I would not like to fully rely upon CAD scans and software to prescribe devices, that is for sure.

    :EDIT: I forgot the last, and most important point. I would hate to fit orthoses, and the patient complain about discomfort, for me to have to say 'ah right. Well I will send them back to the lab to have a bit ground out.'

    The fitting and patient feedback is as important as the initial diagnosis. Unless you are creating causality (from pain to no pain via orthotic intervention), what is the point?
< CAD/CAM as normal procedure for foot orthotics | An Estimate of Foot Arch Height >

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