< What lies beneath? Foot orthotic stability in shoes | Tip over point / sign >
  1. lynn_lee Welcome New Poster

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    Hi all

    I am a student about to take my exams and one of our practice questions asks "assuming foot has a normal midtarsal joint locking position, explain what is happening at the midtarsal joint at point x" x on my graph is STJ neutral. I know that MTJO and LTJO become fully pronated and locked (osseous locking mechanism) but please can anyone tell me what happens with regard to the windlass mechanism?

    thank you in anticipation
  2. Karen Who is teaching you this re MTJ locking and the 2 axis theory - it wrong outdated and well just wrong.

    I understand that your about to take you exams , but I would ask your teachers (maybe after the exam ) why they are teaching you stuff that is outdated and wrong, the MTJ does not lock, it does not have an oblique and longitudinal axis.

    ask them if they have read these - http://www.japmaonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/91/2/68


    The midtarsal joint is an independent joint -

    Full text papers for found here - http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/showpost.php?p=168235&postcount=21

    A good thread for you to read - Midtarsal Joint Equilibrium Theory

    other threads marked Midtarsal joints -http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/tags/index.php?tag=/midtarsal-joint/

    Just crazy - what Uni do you go too ?

    I come back and try and help with your exam question when the blood pressure has gone down a bit-
  3. Is it Lynn or Karen ?

    Have you read these papers -

    A dynamic model of the windlass mechanism of the foot: evidence for early stance phase preloading of the plantar aponeurosis ps this looks very interesting can´t remember reading this one before.

    Function of the Windlass Mechanism in Excessively Pronated Feet- abstract


    The windlass mechanism of the foot. A mechanical model to explain pathology - Abstract
  4. lynn_lee Welcome New Poster

    I haven't read of those papers, to be honest we only started discussing windlass mechanism last week for a whole 20 minutes!! So I guess at this stage I'm just trying to read what I need to get my through exams as I have 4 exams coming up in May - One of them being on gait analysis and this question just happened to be on practice paper and it was only question that I didnt really understand at all.

  5. Ah, c'mon Mike! You want the poor girl to tell her lecturers they've got it all wrong a month before the finals? Thats just cruel. ;) They hate it when someone corrects the questions.

    Its been a while since I did "old School" biomechanics but I would guess that the answer they want is that the windlass mechanism plantarflexes the 1st met, supinating the sub talar joint and that we will will find the MTJ fully locked and pronated at the point the sub talar joint is in neutral, the foot returning to a rigid lever for propulsion.

    Personnaly, if a student ever said that to me I'd give them up as a bad job, beat them to death with a goniometer and feed the body into my grinder. But I dimly remember that from my training days as being the official version.

    Would help if we had the graph.
  6. efuller MVP

    This reminds me of a quote. I believe that it was Craig Payne that repeated it at a lecture. It was a professor on the first day of class saying to his students "Half of what I'm going to teach you is wrong. The problem is, I don't know which half is wrong."

    When I was in podiatry college we had an education committe who took questions that we felt were bad to the professor, with literature evidence, and a proposed mechanism for dealing with the correction. For example, accept all answers as correct. If this one comes up on the exam, post it and we'll help you out. In real life you can ignore the question as there is no such thing as a locking mechanism.

  7. This reminds me somewhat of when I took my orthopedic board recertification exam and I talked to Larry Huppin, DPM, who also was in the room taking it with me about 10 years ago. We both walked out of the test thinking that we had flunked the biomechanics section of the exam since the test was written using old Root biomechanics ideas from two decades prior. Both Larry had been lecturing on STJ axis location/rotational equilibrium ideas for the past 5-15 years before the test, and, of course, these newer concepts weren't included on the test. I had to forget all the new stuff just to answer the test questions the way I thought they wanted the exam questions answered.

    These types of experiences makes me realize how much things have changed in a positive direction for podiatric biomechanics over the past 25 years. It is pretty amazing how far we have come when I think about it.....midtarsal joint locking, longitudinal midtarsal joint, oblique midtarsal joint, balancing all orthoses with heel vertical, rigid forefoot valgus, flexible forefoot valgus, no forefoot extensions, eight biophysical criteria for normalcy, first ray hypermobility......hopefully all things of the past.......
< What lies beneath? Foot orthotic stability in shoes | Tip over point / sign >

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