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Who is allowed to prescribe foot orthotics?

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by DougYoung, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. DougYoung

    DougYoung Member

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    Hi everyone

    I recently met with a business man who ran a ski shop, he was looking to use a SIDAS system in his shop and asked to meet me to discuss, what I thought, was for me to provide a service. However this evening I came across a whole page advert in a local magazine showing the service that they offer and it doesn't mention anything about who is providing the service.

    The article itself (http://flickread.com/edition/PensordFreeLibrary/54636096f0215/ see pages 32-33) mentions the Techfeet technician manufactures while you wait.

    I hope this doesn't come across that I'm bitter about not getting this work, I was sceptical about the SIDAS system but I wondered who is allowed to provide custom insoles? Can anyone do a course and use the SIDAS system? Is there any regulatory guidelines on this?

    Thanks in advance for any feedback

  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    Pretty much anyone can.
    There is no regulation in most countries.
  3. Dennis Kiper

    Dennis Kiper Well-Known Member

    As long as orthotic technology has no way of quantifying the planes of biomechanical motion, it is an art, not a science. Couple that with the inefficient mechanics of orthotic function and the gait cyle and you have the basis for any untrained individual
    qualified to make orthotics.

    This is easily seen with the poor clinical resuls between custom and generic technology.
  4. stevewells

    stevewells Active Member

    Could you please define custom and generic technology?
  5. Orthican

    Orthican Active Member

    I was always of the belief that poor clinical results are more to do with the practitioner than what products or materials they use. In other words anyone can use a screwdriver, but not many are electricians.
    How, when, where and why one uses a given product or material dictates the outcome for that person they are attempting to help. A poor outcome is not the fault of the material.
  6. Dennis Kiper

    Dennis Kiper Well-Known Member

    A poor outcome is not the fault of the material.

    I would disagree. The gait cycle is fluid and dynamic. Most of the materials for orthotic purposes
    hinder that motion particularly at mid stance phase of gait.
  7. Orthican

    Orthican Active Member

    You can disagree. But I think you may have missed my point. A good practitoner employs a design\materials that does NOT hinder but in fact helps.

    Also, there are many, many materials for use in the orthosis world. I'm assuming you have had clinical and technical experience with "most" of them in order to have formed such an opinion.
  8. Dennis Kiper

    Dennis Kiper Well-Known Member

    I'm assuming you have had clinical and technical experience with "most" of them in order to have formed such an opinion.

    I've used all the materials available from '71--'89. I don't know what percentage that would be, I'm sure that materials have improved since then. But, my opinion is that whatever materials I haven't tried, the technology applied to the theories hasn't improved.

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