< Fibrous Lump Plantar Foot of 15 y.o Male | SPANISH MASTERS OF PODIATRIC SURGERY >
  1. David Smith Well-Known Member

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    Hi All

    Can anyone identify what this very soft fluctuant interdigital swelling is?
    Afro-Caribbean lady 58 yrs old, no medical history admitted. slightly over weight, non smoker, no sign of PAD/PVD. No local wounds or trauma reported, no signs or symptoms of infection, not painful no pain at all in local area. Normal skin cover, not translucent, no odour or discharge. Onset 4 months and has grown steadily since then to present size.
    No fluid could be aspirated or expressed from the mass but the largest syringe needle I have in surgery is 27 gauge so it wouldn't draw up synovial fluid anyway but then again this felt too soft to be synovial fluid.

    I have referred to GP to be cautious but I haven't seen a lump quite like this before and can find no reference like it in my Dermatology manuals

    Cheers Dave
  2. blinda MVP

  3. David Smith Well-Known Member

    Brilliant, that looks like the chappy :D thanks Bel I knew you'd come to the rescue.
    Have you ever excised a Lipoma as large as this? I don't think I would be confident to do it. I'm interested to know how do others deal with this lesion.

    Regards Dave
  4. blinda MVP

    I hate to disappoint ;)

    Best to refer to Pod or plastic surgeon for excision, IMO. Histopathology is required with any `oma` to rule out anything more sinister, such as liposarcoma.

    Have a good weekend, Dave :drinks

  5. Excise it. This excision, however, may be complicated and need some skin excision to make it more cosmetic. Either a well-trained podiatric surgeon or a plastic surgeon would be the first choice for surgical referral if you don't feel confident enough to do it yourself.
  6. David Smith Well-Known Member

    Yes my sentiments exactly which is why I referred to GP

< Fibrous Lump Plantar Foot of 15 y.o Male | SPANISH MASTERS OF PODIATRIC SURGERY >

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