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Is It Unethical to Prescribe Orthoses for Children with Asymptomatic Flatfoot Deformity?

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Kevin Kirby, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Fantastic! After a week of horrible news, finally something to celebrate. The biggest and oldest hatchet in podiatry put down at last! I would love to see you two boys get together somehow over the next five days - one of these emotional jobs; hands (and feet) across the oceans. If only the Israeli and Palestinians could do the same....:drinks
  2. Ros Kidd

    Ros Kidd Active Member

    Well t,you Mark (writing this in a tablet, forgive the errors). For the record, since I used to teach diagnosis to students, but only for 35 years, I am entirely sure of the difference between signs and symptoms. Even a casual look back at the earlier postings will reveal me saying "in this context".

    Seasons greetings; right now it is 33' outside and I miss the UK like a hole in the head........
  3. Rob Kidd

    Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    err, that was Rob, not Ros
  4. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

  5. Interesting study. Thanks for that one, Craig. It looked like the study measured both objective (i.e. signs) and subjective (i.e. symptoms) complaints of the children.
  6. Brian A. Rothbart

    Brian A. Rothbart Well-Known Member

    Is It Unethical to Prescribe Orthoses for Children with Asymptomatic (flexible) Flatfoot Deformity? The answer to that question lies in the following question:

    Is it unethical to prescribe antibiotics for an asymptomatic inflamed throat?

    The answer to both questions is an unequivocal Yes!

    An asymptomatic (flexible) flatfoot deformity and an asymptomatic inflamed throat are observations (signs) not a diagnosis. Using invasive interventions (orthotics or drugs) without first establishing a diagnosis is a misfeasance at best, malpractice at worst.

    Note that I have added the term flexible. A structural flatfoot deformity should never be treated with orthotics.

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