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Podiatrists Support Trump for President

Discussion in 'USA' started by Craig Payne, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. BEN-HUR

    BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Eric. We’ve been through our key issues multiple times i.e. the ensuing violence, vandalism & civil unrest which occurred post-election & during the inauguration period; integrity of Trump & Clinton (trustworthiness, truthfulness)… & your continual (unsubstantiated) accusations of me intending to censor the media.

    The ‘dots’ were pretty open & obvious to see in my view… it’s just (apparently) you chose not to see them… I could speculate to that being because you thought I had an anti-Clinton agenda (I did not), I had a pro-Trump agenda (I did not). Either side has their faults… me acknowledging Clinton’s faults & exposing corresponding faults you were accusing Trump has having does not make me anti-Clinton or pro-Trump. It is this type of reasoning which has not only lead to our discord… but is a contributing factor to the misunderstandings & irrational violent behaviour that has been seen in America (& around the world)… of which the media has helped feed (i.e. via the likes of "identity politics" tactics [i.e. certain people should habitually vote a certain way or those with a certain political view must habitually have set character traits & particular viewpoints] - hence my concern of the media’s involvement/influence)… evidently leading to disharmony & a poor state of unity within America… & it’s bloody bad from the accounts I’ve seen (fervent anger & hate).

    In relation to your above quote (which I feel is a warped interpretation):
    To summarise:
    - [Your position] “You can’t trust Trump”… because he lies.
    - [My counter position] You can’t trust Hillary… because she lies (apparently, a controversial statement in this climate; I had the audacity to cite a video pertaining to such).

    The bottom line Eric, (I feel) neither can be trusted, neither are good candidates for one of the most powerful positions on this planet (as I’ve stated previously). However, (as stated) – Trump is the lessor of two evils (in my view)… hence a better candidate out of the two (in my view)… the one that has been elected… hence the need for support & unity (otherwise things are only going to get a whole lot worse).

    As also stated… I have nothing against rational (educated), sincere, non-violent protest. It was the irrational (bias, uneducated), violent protests I was disagreeing with (in fact, it made me ashamed being a human just watching it).

    We are going around in circles here on the media issue… but your post now tells me why you are interpreting things the way you are… which has led to misinterpretation of my position. When I stated "has a lot to answer for"... it was to state that they are (in part) responsible for fuelling to degree of (evident) fervent hate & anger we have seen. The statement did not mean, or should imply that of punishment. Yet your punishment slant (interpretation of my view) is explained in the following...

    The above reasoning was not on my mind Eric... hence I did not intend such. As you may know, I believe in things which some may deem controversial (i.e. the origins & development of lifeforms; diet/plant-based nutrition; an intolerant/violent ideology [a religion])... & I'm not scared to express views on these issues & admit to the implications they have & admit I follow & believe in my reasoning. Hence, I would also admit to the claims you have accused me of if I did intend such & believed such... but I did not, I did not intend for media censorship in my writings/views (I can only say it so many times).

    However, I can understand your above concerns Eric (it concerns me as well)... as censorship in not only being directed to the media but also to the common person. I don't have time to go into details here, but there is a law that will look to be expanded/amended (if it hasn't already [in Australia]) where one can't objectively critique certain groups... in fear of hurting feelings or inciting the likes of "racism". I'm all against racism... but there are some areas where the issues pertaining to a race does not involve/imply. The environment of political correctness is now rampant... & it is eroding freedom of speech to the point where one needs to be careful about everything they say or write in fear of offending some snowflake in the community. For example, even the terms "girls", "boys", "man", "female" are under attack by some... then there are other areas i.e. "Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs" (as in the book/play/movie) - nope, no more - it is... "Snow White & the Little People". It's getting beyond the joke now.

    Thank you - trust me - censorship of the media was not intended in that quote. I hope the air is now clearer... we probably have somewhat similar views on some areas we've discussed on (albeit, coming from differing directions).
  2. Matt - do you talk much like you write?
  3. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Because I was in surgery the morning of the inauguration, I didn't hear Trump's speech live. I heard it last night in it's entirety for the first time. It was epic. Words cannot describe how excited I am to have The Donald as POTUS. First, he was especially gracious, as he thanked Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama for their attendance. Then, he was magnanimous beyond belief when he thanked Michelle and Barack for their helpfulness during the transition, (when everyone knew otherwise), stating they were "magnificent".
    Then, he proceeded to bitchslap all of them repeatedly as he declared as of today...no more preference to the politicians...no more forgetting the middle American, the Forgotten Man.

    He stated that this was not a peaceful transfer of power between Parties, but a transition of power from Wash DC to The People. He listed all the ways DC fatcats have celebrated the past globalization...taking money and jobs away from middle America while enriching themselves. Michelle had the look like someone was driving a hot poker up her butt, and her husband had the look of a schoolkid right before being taken behind the shed and beaten. Trump delivered in that speech...a restoration of the Republic and exposure of the elites for the crimes they've committed against The People. I understand that Trump wrote the speech himself...short, succinct, blistering and to the point. Simply brilliant.

    This is a man whom at 70 y.o., held 7 rallies in one day...the last held in Grand Rapids, Michigan at 1:00am in the morning of Nov. 8th...a rally that was scheduled just 7 hours earlier and attended by 20-30K rabid supporters. His energy is boundless and works 20 hrs/day. Look what he's accomplished in just three days as POTUS...look at what he accomplished prior to being inaugurated. The globalists are panicked...BIG TIME. The Marxists know it's over. Trump now has his hands on the information that can send a LOT of people to prison for a LONG time, (although I understand he's had it for awhile). There are some on this blog that write like they know something...I contend that they don't know diddly squat. Quit acting/writing like you do, because you're just embarrassing yourselves. Hopefully, you know Podiatry better than you know this current situation and politics.
  4. The WP coverage of the inauguration was one of the best so far..

  5. Can you elaborate on what a "bitchslap" is, Matty?
  6. BEN-HUR

    BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Mark. There are two people on this thread going by the name of Matt. Whilst I know (up until now) which one you are referring to; to prevent confusion, could you be more specific in future i.e. Matt Thomas ('BEN-HUR') or Matt Sciaroni ('drhunt1').
  7. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    There's no Constitutional requirement of the POTUS to divest himself of these prior holdings.
  8. There are two people on this thread going by the name of Mark too. Shall we draw straws?
  9. wdd

    wdd Well-Known Member

    This is the central issue.

    Politics has been taken over by the elephant in the room, the global elite.

    The global importance of Trump becoming president is that is the first time that the elephant in the room has shown its face fully, although it is still using the name and cover of a political party. The global elite have stopped being the invisible, behind the scene, lobbying, elephant in the room and although they are still hiding behind the fig leaf of party and democracy they have now taken over the most powerful country in the world.

    Infighting amongst people with very little power (Ninety percent or more of the population) of which this thread is but an almost insignificant example serves the cause well because it means that we are distracted from the real problem, the neoliberal global elite and their uncontainable power.

    Do not go gently into that goodnight!

  10. Jeff Root

    Jeff Root Well-Known Member

    Bitch-slap: To open handedley slap someone. Denote disrespect for the person being bitch slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining
    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bitch slap
  11. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Excellent post, Bill...it drives to the heart of the problem. There are many layers to what you call the global elite, but dare I write that the Rothschild and Rockefeller's of the monetary system are at the heart of it? There's a reason why the uber-left are continuing to advance the notion that Russia played such an important role in Trump's election. Russia kicked out the central Banks, (Rothschild held), as have several other countries. The world is waking up to the control that the central Banks and bankers have on all of us. Wikileaks helped expose how widespread the problem was here in the US, but many private bloggers have taken these connections to a whole new level of understanding.

    One thing is for certain, the uber-left/globalists/Marxists are scared to death of a Trump Presidency, if for no other reason than he cannot be bought and they have zilch "on him". They threw the kitchen sink at him and he still prevailed. In 6 short days, Trump has turned their world on their heads, and he's only just begun. These are dicey economic times, no doubt, and while The Donald attempts to thread a very fine needle, many of the global elites are in full panic mode.
  12. Don't be so naive, Matty. Do you really think the financial cartel are panicking? Don't they consider social trends and public reaction before they decide which economies they wish to support or not, as the case may be in the USA soon. We have no idea where the real money is, how it is channeled or to whom. Most of us don't know diddly-squat what our governments spend never mind what the banks actually do with our money they use to multiply their own deposits through fractional expansion.

    As Bill observes, we only scratch the surface of an extremely complex system which we are inextricably entwined with our bank accounts, mortgage, pensions etc to the point we are completely dependent on a handful people we don't even know whilst being addicted to their money for our own survival. You think Trump and the Rednecks (good name for a band there) give these blokes a sleepless night? You think they care?

    Trump is a stooge. Nothing more. Let the lesson begin.
  13. Thanks Jeff. Wasn't part of my lexicon.
  14. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Ah Mark 'lexicon' wasn't in my lexicon until just then, had to look it up...
  15. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Yaaaaawn...I guess you need to be bitch slapped too...eh, Marky? Who owns the Federal Reserve? Who stands to make the most money when Russia and the US are at odds with each other? Who plays one side off on the other and benefits from both?

    Since you're not working and haven't got anything else to do with your time, perhaps you should travel down the rabbit hole and begin to understand how corrupt the whole entire system really is. My understanding is that Trump has all of the info downloaded from Anthony Weiner's laptop...the 650K emails and pics and videos. It is the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Here's just a glimpse into that rabbit hole:


    Damn right the globalists are panicked...they were seeking a NWO by enslaving all humans under one form of governance. First it was Brexit, then Trump, (someone you call a stooge...may I suggest you look deeply into the mirror?). Looks like Le Pen in France will be next, as Merkel in Germany is getting pounded as well. People are beginning to wake up...time for you to do the same. Just discussed today:

    You have a lot of catching up to do, Marky...you're way behind the times and the learning curve. Quit being a vacuous zombie, devoid of life while flinging arrows at others. Time to get real.
  16. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    liberal POLITICS JFK I AM A LIBERAL 16265422_1370610149668151_2404731523358279012_n.jpg
  17. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Gone are the JFK liberals...they no longer exist. The Democratic Party in the US supports the oligarchs...the Marxists, the globalists. It is now a disease.

  18. Go forth Matty; spread the gospel. Hallelujah - the Chosen One has arrived to save the world. Just in time! Where can I send a cheque??

    Serious question: Have you ever masturbated whilst holding a glass of wine in your free hand? If you have, did you manage without spilling any? Wine, of course..
  19. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Marky...you bore me. You're nothing but an insolent antagonist with no substance, little to add and nothing to offer...a vacuous zombie. Here's some more material for you to ponder while you yank your crank and drink wine, (or is it whine?).

  20. BEN-HUR

    BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Mark R. (you see it really isn't difficult adding another letter for clarification). The above request was quite a simple (reasonable) one really. There is evidently enough confusion on this thread (i.e. misinterpretation) as there is without the potential for more (i.e. multiple people with the same first names i.e. Matt & Mark). Remember, we're on Podiatry Arena, where confusion & poor comprehension traits appear to be common - despite the level of tedious articulation required to minimise such traits surfacing (which by the way supplies an answer to your lame question at post #162).

    "Draw straws"??? Another assclown comment/question no doubt. Straws not needed... I've guided you to a more rational & reasonable solution (i.e. surname letter following name). But hey, I fully understand if you are unable to grasp that concept... particularly when you also convey the following sentiments to Matt Sciaroni ('drhunt1')... & refer to such immature filth (on a professional forum as this is suppose to be) as a "serious question"!

    Charming! The relevance of such a ("serious") question(s) is beyond me. Is it a desperate attempt to get some more 'likes' (trying to appease to other similar minded individuals)? Posting such material Mark R only debases you as an individual & detracts from the message your trying to convey... it is ultimately self-defeating!

    I hope the above isn't too complicated for you.
  21. Matt - everything you say is too complicated for me. A three year old talking to a professor of quantum physics about measuring the modulating frequency of snarks in fluorescent lights that only have power for seventeen minutes each day in June of 1946 would have better grasp of the conversation than I do with yours. It's as if you really are a higher mortal with a fibre-optic pipeline straight to the ultimate being of conscious thought and when you sit down at the computer, great beams of laser lights emit the words straight from your brain through the eyes and into the matrix. Unfiltered and unedited.

    The trouble is you're like a RAW Jpeg; absolutely everything's there in every tiny, minute, fractional, fucking detail. When you take a photo of a turd in RAW - you get a tetrabyte of information about every cell of roughage - most of it either completely unnecessary or utterly comprehensible. You can still tell its a turd on a 35mm kodachrome - probably with better clarity!

    I mean, someone of your processing power should be able to determine who is addressing who, simply by the tenor of the reply and the content of the post - I thought that was fairly straightforward. How far do you want to go? Should I address you as Dear Matt, born 3 January 1975, weight 128lbs, height 6'1" formerly of 1182 South Beach Road, Adelaide now at 286A Pilkington Lane , Bromwich. telephone 0879.... I mean (with the correct details) it would be true and factual, but izit really necessary?

    I used to have a patient that would start the consultation with a story and continue it on in whatever direction it took her fancy. It was monologue - she was brilliant at it - but what it was about, I never knew. It had no purpose or underlying theme - it was just a poetic rant. She would often spend ten minutes or more deciphering the meaning of one word. It was an experience - exasperating at times but always entertaining. Much like your posts!

    Don't misunderstand me, please - I'm not being critical; that's just how you write, but it's difficult to tune into the "voice" at the other end, not least because it sounds like many and all talking excitedly at the same time. But that's just probably me - I need to upgrade the processor methinks. I'll call you Mattt or Mattty in future only because I'm economic with my capitals these days.

    As for Matt or Matty - good on yer mate! I'm sure it'll all work out in the end and Trump will rise to the challenge and you'll be completely vindicated. Seemingly the Mexicans are going to pay for the wall after all - and the 400m deep channel filled with salties and great whites on the other side, while the Canadians are planning to build towers with enormous loudspeakers blasting out Alanis Morresseite 24/7 right along their border. It'll be you and yours with matching D and N tattoos on each cheek, just in case the anointed one pays a visit. You should send Trump your papers about RLS and breast examinations (well maybe just the latter); you might be promoted to Secretary of Health. you never know. Stranger things have happened recently. And I finally figured out at last what Trump is really saying when he says "everything is going to be beautiful" - it's not beautiful after all - but booty-full! It must've been his accent.

    You guys are going to have fun. Don't spill the wine!
  22. BEN-HUR

    BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    That was quite entertaining Mark R (Marky). :D Your pretty close to the mark... except the info is highly filtered & edited ;)... for your enlightenment, comprehension & enjoyment.

    Oh... but it is "fairly straightforward" Marky... it, it's just that... well, we're on Podiatry Arena... & I'm thinking about others on here :(.

    Now there you go... making life difficult for yourself :rolleyes: (the above really isn't necessary). I tried to be clear & concise with my request... just one letter (albeit, a capital... corresponding with the person's surname). But hey, if it's going to give you a headache - don't worry about it.

    "Misunderstand" you - never :confused:. I still think my idea is better :p. Anyway... be careful with your frugalness on capitals... the following is something I'm sure you'll resonate with (in light of the recent conversation:eek:)...

  23. at least 14 "rogue" Twitter accounts from federal science agencies: apparently many of the Official science channels are going to be controlled by Trump Officials. so get your Popcorn out [​IMG]
  24. Just seen this....It was serious question, even though you think it "immature filth". You've no idea of the context of why I was asking and to proclaim that it detracts or is self-defeating from something you are ignorant about demonstrates a deeply flawed analytical approach, Mattty, which is concerning for a health professional, in my humble opinion. As for desperately craving "likes" on a Podiatry Forum, if you really think I give a toss whether someone likes or agrees with what I say, then you are deluded.
  25. wdd

    wdd Well-Known Member

    Obviously What I intended to say wasn't clear.

    What I am saying is that Trump is a member/representative of the global elite.

  26. I'm not sure. He maybe has the money, but that doesn't necessarily qualify him into the inner sanctum of those that really influence governments and control the money supply. Neither is Gates who is even more wealthy and reputed to be the numero uno in the numbers game. Possibly in the game that we know - its the other league with the unknown players that really counts though. Trump may be their man, but not for the reasons you think.
  27. BEN-HUR

    BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Ok Mark R. A question on this thread & forum pertaining to masturbation was (according to you) not only a serious question... but also appropriate? Well, excuse me for questioning such a question. No, I'm not 100% sure of the context you asking such a question... although, I think I have an idea based on observing previous conversations you've had with Matt Sciaroni ('drhunt1') [i.e. to do with past conduct he was accused of - of which I don't want to elaborate on]. I could then ask for your reasoning & the nature of that context - but to do so I feel also could be inappropriate (& not suitable for this thread).

    So based on me questioning the nature of your above (masturbation) related question... you feel I have a "deeply flawed analytical approach" (which is subsequently... "concerning for a health professional"). Quite the contrary Mark R. Regardless of your reason & context... my analytical skills & standing as a health professional has a reasonable right to question the nature of such material... "in my humble opinion".

    No, not "deluded". I don't know you personally... only by what I see here on this forum... & the nature of the material you post. The nature of the above material in question has a right to be critiqued... such a topic is usually not appropriate within such a setting. Due to that, one could ask why you submitted it here... to belittle or discredit the integrity of the individual (?); to get a laugh (?); to get "likes" (?). If these intentions weren't the case, then I take that statement back... of which it is a case of "misinterpretation" (seemingly a common issue on this thread).

    It's just that if you are going to make a statement or ask a question pertaining to what normally is considered an inappropriate subject matter... then it's probably a good idea to explain why you would do so... if your intentions/reasons are reputable (to thus prevent your integrity coming under question).
  28. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    No, Bill...he is not. Even Kissinger came away from their meeting mulling over the fact that Trump "has no baggage". The global elite have no leverage on him...and the only thing they can do is assassinate him. My sources tell me that Trump has hired 170 security personnel, (some from Russia...probably KGB), in addition to his SS detail. These people will protect him and his entire family...Ivanka, Ivana, Don Jr., Eric, Barron, Melania, Kushner, Marla, Tiffany...everyone. He knows how important his job is, who's toes he's about to step on and what it means, not just here, but globally.
  29. wow you have really drunk the cool-aid and I am sure the
    line you though was clever
  30. Seeing as you don't know what you're talking about and you're not going to be enlightened by me today, it's probably a good idea to chill Mattty! Have a good weekend.
  31. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    You "sound" a little bitter...please correct me if I'm wrong. But instead of addressing any of the points I make, you pigeon-hole me into the Kool-Aid drinking crowd. Tsk, tsk. Too transparent.

    While I'll admit that I'm still giddy that Hillary Clinton wasn't elected, (her of the most corrupt politician group ever seen...which is amazing considering we just got rid of Obama), I'll also admit that I'm excited that America elected a capitalist...a successful businessman that, even at age 70, demonstrates an unbelievable work ethic and desire to avoid global financial collapse. (Now, before you reply that Trump has gone BK in his businesses before, let me remind you that he owns 515 businesses which employs 31K people. He has used the BK system LEGALLY 5 times. That's a less than 1% failure rate...completely acceptable in my book). Will/can he be successful? Time will tell...but all indicators suggest the bubbles are about to burst...here in the US, Britain, China, Germany, etc. Trump has no affinity towards the Bankers in spite of his including some of their "representatives" into his administration. A cursory look would lead the less astute to conclude it's more of the same. But one willing to dig a lot deeper into their backgrounds leads that person away from any conclusion that this administration will be anything like those in our lifetime.

    His inauguration speech was intended to restore the Republic...and it was spot on. His first week of office saw a dizzying rate of executive orders and campaign promises met that should have even the most ardent detractors take notice. I guess that doesn't include you...you of the Kool-Aid drive-by's. Trump has a plan...which does include working with Russia on multiple fronts...a plan that is long in need. He's meeting with UK's Theresa May...a good thing...to discuss Russia, NATO and furthering our alliance. Anything wrong with that?

    Next time...try addressing the problems you have with my line of reasoning, instead of incendiary drive-by's. You might find that the exchange of ideas a healthy one.
  32. BEN-HUR

    BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Mark R. This isn't an issue of me not knowing what I'm talking about... the issue here is, why you think it appropriate you ask a ("serious") question to another member of this forum ('drhunt1', who you refer to as Matty) pertaining to masturbation. I find that type of question inappropriate... however, if you do find that type of question justified & appropriate then the onus is on you to explain why. Yes, I may not know the background to your use of such a question... but that isn't the real issue here (if it is, then explain).
    Believe me, I'm "chill"... I'm just querying the nature/intent of that question.
    Have a good weekend.
  33. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

  34. William Henry Harrison holds the record for the shortest US presidency at just one month when he died in office in 1841. Interestingly, history records him as dying from "pneumonia of the lower lobe of the right lung, complicated by congestion of the liver” - the diagnosis from his doctor Thomas Miller, but the NYT shed some doubt of this vision of events in an excellent article in 2014, which suggests that it was something else that killed the president.
    Unfortunately today, despite great advances in infrastructure and technology, Washington's sewers have become catastrophically overwhelmed by the amount of effluent that is presently flowing out of the Shitehouse and there's no indication its about to stop anytime soon. The chances are the current occupants will soon be overcome by the toxic swill, but you never know. Are you a gambling man, two-tees? Ten bob Trump smashes the record....

    Attached Files:

  35. Indeed. Best foot forward.
  36. Trump often speaks of his Scottish roots - his mother was born and brought up in Lewis before she emigrated - and of course, he now has two championship golf courses at Troon and Aberdeen. Just up the road from the former, lives a wee Scottish lass called Lorna Wallace from Kilmarnock. She won New Zealand's Dunedin Poetry Competition with this little gem last week. It's written in Scots in the style of Burns - and whilst I appreciate many of you will find the language impenetrable, there'll be a few that will appreciate the sentiment. You could always ask Donald to translate....

    A Scot's Lament fur her American Fellows (Oan their election of a tangerine gabshite walloper)

    America, aw whit ye dain?!
    How could ye choose a clueless wain
    Ti lead yir country? Who wid trust
    A man sae vile?!
    A racist, sexist eedjit
    Wi a shite hairstyle?

    Yet lo, ye votit (michty me!)
    Ti hawn' this walloper the key
    Ti pow'r supreme, ti stert his hateful,
    Cruel regime.
    A cling ti hope that this is aw
    Jist wan bad dream.

    But naw, the nightmare has come true,
    A curse upon rid, white an' blue,
    An' those who cast oot Bernie
    Must feel sitch regret
    Fur thinkin' Mrs. Clinton
    Was a safer bet.

    So noo we wait ti see unfold
    Division an' intolerance, cold;
    A pois'nous bigotry untold
    Since Hitler's rule
    As the free world' s hopes an' dreams
    Lie with this fool.

    Alas, complainin' wullnae change
    The fact this diddy has free range
    Ti ride roughshod ow'r human beings
    That fall outside
    The cretinous ideals borne of
    His ugly pride.

    Awch USA, we feel yir woes
    An' pour oor wee herts oot ti those
    Who ken this oarange gabshite isnae
    Who they chose,
    But jist sit tight;
    Trump's cluelessness
    Will time expose.

    Fur sittin' there beside Obama
    Efter the election drama,
    Trump looked like reality
    Had finally hit:
    Aboot the role of president
    He knew Jack shit.

    Poutin', glaikit through this farce,
    His mooth wis pursed up like an arse,
    His Tangoed coupon glowin' like
    A skelped backside.
    Despite all his bravado
    Trump looked keen ti hide.

    Let's therefur no despair an' greet,
    Or see this outcome as defeat.
    Let's wait an' watch this bampot
    Flap his hawns an' squirm
    When presidential pressures
    Crush him like a worm.

    Hawd oan ti values you hold dear,
    Don't let this numpty bring yi fear,
    His chants of hatred don't speak fur
    The human race.
    Love will endure despite this
    Oarange-faced disgrace.

    So USA, in ma conclusion,
    Know we Scots feel your confusion:
    We are also chained ti those
    Not of oor choosin' .
    Stand firm fur unity will break
    Through Trump's delusion.
  37. came across this today [​IMG]

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