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Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by NewsBot, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    This patent was filed in 2009 and was recently publsihed:
    Link to patent
  2. The DynaFlange is nuthin'....dead on arrival!

    Wait until my patent pending, trademarked SuperHyperFlange comes out....I won't simply be pushing up those medial arches....I be levitatin' dem muthers!! :cool::eek::rolleyes:
  3. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    yes i will be patenting my uber super dynaflange with butt hole technology available in 20 densities and 5 colours
  4. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Not sure if this is just a British thing or not - but flange has a slightly different meaning where I come from. Hence why I giggled when I saw this thread title. You can imagine my disappointment...

    Warning - rude words ahead:

  5. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    yes its a bit rude when not using it as an engineering term
  6. I thought your Pat pending device for levitating mothers (or indeed anyone) was the Kirby helium balloon assisted belt.

    Honestly Kevin, with the spikothotic (tm), the helium belt (tm) and now the superHyperFlange you've quite cornered the market on innovations.

    I blame too much JIR

    Hey Craig, why not run a competition for the best Podiatry innovation. 400 word limit, marked on imagination, originality, outside the box thinking and overall humour (we won't worry about practicality) , winner gets a Dynaflange.
  7. The Journal of Irreproducible Results saved me many times while roaming the stacks at the Shields Library on the University of California Davis campus. For a budding young scientist (Animal Physiology major) it provided the light-hearted, fantastic "research" that allowed me to get a few chuckles during times of stress and boredom. I highly recommend the JIR to any similar young scientist that needs a little relief from the repetition of their studies.
  8. For anyone studying at the moment, "a Library" is the Beta version of "the internet".

    Imagine you've downloaded a load of journal pieces, printed them out, put a hard cover on them and put it on a shelf. Bit like that, only different. Sort of a pre Ebook Ebook.

    JIR is indeed a wonderful resource. Contains gems like this.


  9. I've invented the cervicothotic which is designed for our avian friends to provide a cervical curvature to their spine, hence decoupling the head and torso (Dananberg 2011), and thus enabling them to walk without bobbing their head*

    I've also got one called the reverse cervicothotic, its a brace that can be worn around the neck to remove the cervical curvature in the human spine, thus re-coupling the head and torso (Dananberg 2011) allowing the wearer to walk with a bobbing head motion just like a duck/ E-gyption.

    *does not protect against seasonal head to torso decoupling among turkeys
  10. Sock-a-just: you know how the washing machine always eats one sock from pair? Don't throw away those odd socks, they can provide a simple yet efficacious solution to problems associated with limb length discrepancy. Simply have your patient wear their multiple odd socks on the shorter limb side. This provides a highly adjustable solution to the problem of limb length difference without the need for expensive, and often trademarked foot orthoses.

    Another quality idea from the Sub-genius "stink-tank".
  11. MrBen

    MrBen Active Member

    best thread so far
  12. RobinP

    RobinP Well-Known Member

    I'd like to present Plantar Fasci-Away. This ingenious new technology is so simple to use. Just follow the picture below and you'll be stretching those calf muscles all the way to complete freedom from plantar fasciitis.

    We know you've tried everything

    1. Lose Weight - "I can't 'cos I can't exercise doc"
    2. Wear Some sensible shoes - "I can't go to work in them, I'll look like Herman Munster"
    3. Reduce your activity levels - "But doc, I've got a trialthlon next week. Can you not just give me an injection of something to cure it?"
    4. Orthotics - "the research says that they weaken my arches so I'm not wearing them
    5. Stretching Exercises - "I did them for a couple of days, but they didn't seem to be doing anything"

    That's why you need Plantar Fasci-Away. It's not just a stretching exercise tool, it's sooo much more. It's clinically proven to reduce plantar fasciitis pain and even has peer reviewed studies in the Journal of Irreproducable Results. Scientifically designed by our team of (woodwork) technicians, it cannot fail.

    This new technology require a conrete block 2m x 2m x 0.5m. Simply lay this foundation, drill two tapped bore holes into the floor and use the specially provided double ended screw to fix the (NASA designed) polycarbonate upright section at 90 degrees to the ground. Then, your ready to go.

    This fabulous, revolutionary piece of equipment is available from our no hassle online retailer at the bargain price of 3 payments of £229.95. We can even do the foundations and instalments for you. Just phone our instalments office on 0800-Money-Grabbing-B@stards.

    Sales of Plantar Fasci-Away are expected to be exponential, so get in quick to avoid having plantar fasciitis forever and ever and ever and ever.

    Attached Files:

  13. Didn't this feature in 2001 space odyssey?
  14. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    FYI- wikipedia.org/wiki/ Flange
    A flange is an external or internal ridge, or rim (lip), for strength

    Actually, the dynaflange is pretty cool
  15. Jay, welcome. Some words don't cross the pond too well, flange is one of them. Fanny-pack is another. Fag is yet another; the expression "i am having a fag" may mean different things to different people in different countries and situations. Never mind you've named it now and it brings a smile to my face each time I read it.

    Since you're here perhaps you could tell me why I should be using your invention?
  16. David Smith

    David Smith Well-Known Member

    Hi Guys

    I couldnt see any pictures on the patents online web site so I found another with the PDF, so here it is attached


    Attached Files:

  17. Orthican

    Orthican Active Member

    Good one Robin....

    Goes along with my placeboscope for weight loss...
  18. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    Thanx for the welcome aboard. Basically, it's a dynamic rearfoot post that makes use of the material shaped like an upside down heel cup, absent a pie shaped center. The convex surface and the concave surface are attached in the center while the phlanges or wings and rims deform to absorb shock and decelerate pronation in a measured fashion, then return that stored energy to the body while resupination is recurring. It deforms into the gaps between the concave and convex surfaces. The whole for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction deal-perfect for dealing with ground force reaction. Patients love it--I'd love to hear your thoughts!
  19. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    Thanx for finding and sharing the link for the Dynaflange Pix
  20. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    "Decelerate pronation in a measured fashion“

  21. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    We all know that pronation is necessary for shock absorption and also pathological in excess. So the goal is to allow but limit pronation. The flange or wing is made of a resiliently flexible material, like a semi-rigid orthotic. The nature of the material and the shape of the inverted heel cup (it's plantargrade posture) will deform slower in the presence of pronatory forces as shown on Gaitscan™ and Zebris computerized gait analysis systems and thus limit excessive pronation. BTW, this also works for supination in the same manner because of the bilateral phlanges or wings. At the end of the day-it's a tri-plane shock absorber that meets motion with resistance. I think of it in terms of rearfoot motion/ground force reaction as a runaway truck. Rather than using a brick wall to stop said truck, you'll see an incline and a series of water filled barrels to decelerate that truck--it's much less abrupt and so much kinder to the musculoskeletal system.
  22. So basically the flange is a spring mechanism which compresses and the returns energy as CoP moves anteriorly. If I am reading the drawings correctly

    There is a few questions re the need for this....

    1. Is increased shock absorption a good thing ?

    2. When the flange is compressing the STJ must continue to evert and through the kinematic change at the STJ the STJ axis will become more medial - which may lead to increased loads on the Tib ant and Posterior Tib depending on the position of the STJ axis.

    3 Is increased speed at re-supination a good thing -

    and a different question what is the life time of one of these things ?

    Also what is improved Biomechanics ? to have this we must have normal

    Attached Files:

  23. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    Yes, you have the basic concept. I think shock absorption is an important consideration in the “normal” foot and if fact, managing this at the time closest to inception (ground force reaction) is also important as shock increases as it heads up the kinetic chain and known to create problems and imbalances at other joints superior to the STJ, say shock at a generic level 1 expends to that of a level 13 by the time it reaches to hip, (Dr. K Ross, U of Waterloo, Dept of Biomechanics). Now if you’re raising the issue of pathological foot types and moment arms, certainly each type raises a different discussion, but then again, there is still ground force reaction. Do you find any advantages in not mitigating shock and allowing it to travel up the kinetic chain unchecked?

    #2 Patients and testers indicate that their feet seem less tired in comparison to other orthotics so it would seem to say that there is no indicia pointing to an increase in load on the tibialis ant or post. As far as the STJ axis becoming “more medial”, remember that the Dynaflange does not stop motion, it manages motion, decelerates pronation (and supination for that matter) and so I see no ill effects on the tib ant or post. I would also point out that this is again subject to foot type STJ axis calculation. Curiously, when I started wearing the dynaflange, I felt as if it was making me use my gastroc-soleus complex more. This went away in the first week, any thoughts about that?

    #3 As the supinated foot is more stable, one could infer that sooner resupination provides for a more stable foot and more efficient gait. In fact, the FDM-T (Zebris System) shows a decrease in overall stance phase presumably coming from a more stable and efficient gait. Testers and patients report that they feel more stable and springy, statements that seem to be at odds with each other but they are good and consistent responses. Studies are underway to evaluate the above.

    As far as longevity, it is my understanding that the current material has been tested to 4.3 million cycles which I’m told is representative of about 1 year. The flanges do fatigue and become less active over time, but we are actively looking for materials with better “resiliently flexible” properties. It is easy for the lab to replace this rearfoot post, just like they recover orthotics every year or so. Having said that, the Dynaflange I’m wearing is still effective after 16 months and still going. I also have issues with the attachment system, seems kind of old school for such a dynamic device, but rivets work so...

    Also, just putting it out there, I also see, logically, how this would:
    Works actively, when other orthotics don’t (loading and unloading with weight shifting in psuedo-stance---for chefs, clerks, cashiers, presenters, etc)
    Prevention of injury as the flanges guide the foot back towards STJ neutral and perhaps (as 2 patients have told me who wear AFO’s with dynaflange) reduce macro-traumatic events like ankle sprains.

    My question is, how would you design a testing criteria to prove these theories?
  24. An interesting concept. Few thoughts.

    1. A few of the claims you make really need evidencing. We like evidence. If you have any, don't be shy with it.

    2. A few things you say are inaccurate.

    3. You should read the threads on here about stiffness.

    4. Experimental design, nothing simpler. Hook someone up to a system to measure pronation extent and velocity. Then do a blinded study with 4 states. Dynaflange, dynaflange with the gaps filled in, a popular pre fab and a flat insole for baseline (control).
  25. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Only one thing to add:

    You don't go into research with the mindset of how to 'prove' your theories. You design your study in a way that best tests your research questions, and then make conclusions from the data gathered.
  26. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    Thanx for the testing ideas. There are approved studies being conducted, gathering evidence which we hope to make available in January. The testing includes studying tibial movement during gait barefoot, with conventional rearfoot posting and dynaflange. I look forward to presenting the results soon
  27. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    As to mindset, I agree. I have removed myself from the testing process in order to remove any bias or direction, but I do think it's worth my time to consider the input I'm getting from testers and patients, and my own experience. I feel what it does and like all of you, I want the quantification, the wherefores and whys.
  28. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Will the testing report purely kinematic data, or will there be any consideration given to kinetic parameters or the potential relationship with injury?
  29. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    So as not to taint the official study, I have left this to the examiner. What I do know is that it began Nov 16, 2011 and has a "Certificate of REB Approval" and is entitled:
    The effect of orthotics on the Centre of Pressure Excursion
    Index during shod gait in overpronators (determined by the
    Foot Posture Index).
    I can add that the discussions involving injury prevention was put off for later consideration as they thought it would take a very long time and I believe folks in general, though they would like to claim prevention, are nervous about such a claim--just my conjecture
  30. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    Add to my comments from 2 days ago regarding testing, I heard from the university today, they stated that after the aforementioned first (Kinetic) study, they plan Kinematic measurement the rotation of the Tibia barefoot, with standard rearfoot post and with Dynaflange. As to the issue of injury prevention, the reviewer brings up a very valid case (which is why I opened the matter up for constructive dialog)

    "Potential relationship with injury is tricky. One needs to find people that have a similar ailment (eg anterior shin splints) and determine if dynaflange results in greater improvement. This is ugly because of the fact that we need to find enough people with anterior shin splints to do the study. That is why studies on symptomatic people are so difficult. It is easy to find 50 asymptomatics. It is really hard to find 50 people with the same ailment".
  31. Not too difficult really, if you really want to... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16801514 etc etc etc Who says you need 50 anyway? It's all about power calculations as I'm sure your "ugly" University people are already aware. Reading between the lines: "it's a piece of piss to take your money and test this on students, if we have to carry it out on real patients, it'll actually take some effort"... hope you're not paying 'em too much or come publication time you might get disappointed with the critique- expenditure/ sales ratio.

    Ask yourself this: how many asymptomatic people do you prescribe foot orthoses to? At the moment that's the audience you're paying the university to prove your orthoses do something to. Go think on it. Errrrr.... dynaflange didn't kill anybody therefore it must be good for treating plantar fasciitis....... errrr no. :hammer:

    I actually like the idea you have, but I think your current testing protocol stinks.
  32. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    Well, I'm glad you like the idea. Good news is I'm not paying for the study, the manufacturer will be doing that. I also don't plan to let go of the idea aimed at prevention of macro-traumatic events in folks prone to them, like chronic lateral ankle sprainers whose altered sense of proprioception, I believe, is mitigated by that lateral flange. Studies, or not, I've observed this and it makes sense. One really good thing is that I do like the people involved with the project. Hey, novel idea, send me a scan and I'll have a pair made up for you to give me your experienced feedback!?
  33. jsegel

    jsegel Active Member

    I don't know, it takes all kinds, maybe Dynaflange is the UK is easier than managing the real thing
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