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1 Full Time Podiatrist position left!

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by paul.totalcare, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. paul.totalcare

    paul.totalcare Moderator

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    We have only one position left and maybe you could be that one!

    - Are you reaching your full potential?
    - Do you ever wish you had more opportunity to develop your professional skills especially in biomechanics and musculoskeletal problems?
    - Do you ever feel like you have more to offer?
    - Do you love contributing to really making a difference in your patients’ quality of life by helping them achieve a greater level of mobility?

    After 26 years in the Geelong community Total Care Podiatry has a well-earned reputation for genuine care. Every patient feels that their main concern is our priority.

    At Total Care Podiatry we focus on the underlying cause, not just the symptoms, with a holistic approach focused on improving patients’ mobility.

    Are you passionate about podiatry and would love to know that your treatment plan is having a real impact on your patients’ quality of life?

    That’s what makes this job so exciting:
    - You care for a wide range of patient needs
    - You contribute to our quest for new ways to help our patients
    - You get weekly mentoring
    - You get regular in-house continuing education
    - You’re part of a strong and committed team
    - You have the opportunity to be paid well with a salary and bonus package and the opportunity to be part of new roles as our business expands.
    - Your contribution is really appreciated
    - You get excellent work conditions – you only work a four day week
    - You don’t work on your birthday

    And, you can incorporate into your patient care:
    - Our 4 metre Plantar Pressure Mat and FScan In-shoe analysis,
    - 3D scanning & CadCam prescription orthotics
    - Our computerised In-house orthotic mill
    - Nordic Walking for health, rehabilitation and fitness
    - Chung Shi AuBioMo footwear® for improved mobility
    - Computer analysis of Balance and Posture
    - In-house Exercise Physiologist
    - Therapeutic ultrasound
    And much more!

    Are you willing to continue in your learning experience, be patient focused and a team player?

    Are you confident and have very good communication skills with patients, support staff, colleagues and other health professionals?

    Then this job could be just what you’re looking for.

    Total Care Podiatry is a family run practice in the city of Geelong with off street staff parking. A short stroll takes you to our beautiful waterfront or into the city shopping complex.
    Lifestyle in the Geelong region is absolutely fantastic. Forget traffic jams and enjoy a place where beaches, great food and wine, theatres and country living are all close by.

    If you are selected to join us you will experience professional growth like you have never experienced. We want to help you be the best podiatrist you can be through our mentoring program, practitioner workshops and ongoing support.

    Please forward your application with curriculum vitae and both personal and professional referee contacts to The Practice Manager, 209 Malop Street, Geelong 3220 or by email to admin@totalcarepodiatry.com.au.

    Rae-Ellen Graham
    Practice Manager
    Total Care Podiatry
    03 5223 1531

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