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  1. kirstyboyd89 Member

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    Hi Guys,

    I have a 15 minute interview coming up soon and think i should be happy that it is relatively short. None the less, I now feel I only have 15 minutes to get across what they want to hear! I would be very grateful if people could help me with the important stuff as this is my first NHS interview!

    Thanks :D
  2. efuller MVP

    Be able to answer the question, "What can you teach me?" If you have intensely studied an off beat area, you can spend 5 minutes teaching them something. It will take up time so they won't have as much time to ask you questions about which you don't have good answers.

  3. blinda MVP

    Like it. Distraction is always an excellent tactic. The "What can you teach me/bring to the dept" question is a great opportunity to make the interview process more interesting for the interviewers and make your mark.

    During my interview to enrol for the undergrad course I spent a good ten minutes telling Mike Potter about my experience of the `Grandparenting` process. Absolutley nothing to do with the BSc Hons course, but he approved my application and commended my enthusiasm for the profession.

    Hope that helps!
  4. kirstyboyd89 Member

    Thanks guys :) wil let u no how it goes. hoping my interview is as successful as ur application blinda :)
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