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  1. LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member

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    I couldnt help but click on one of the Google links at the top of the page to read about a "cure" for ganglions....

    What a great read:http://www.ganglioncystcure.com/

    Just one of the the many things I learnt about ganglions that I didn't knw before:rolleyes:.

    Step 1 - Use a 200 year old herb three times a day to penetrate the Cyst from the inside out and kill the bacteria at it's core.

    Step 2 - Apply a antibacterial cream to the infected area three times a day.

    Step 3 - Alkalize and detoxify your body in order to increase oxygen.

    You HAVE to read the rest!

    Ah, the beauty of capitalism, free-market economy and outrageous lies....It's just a shame that Podiatry Arena cross-promotes this rubbish.:(

  2. W J Liggins Well-Known Member


    I recall a Gilray cartoon mocking the ignorance of those who attacked Edward Jenner's practice of inoculating against smallpox using cowpox. The cartoon showed tiny cows jumping out of boils on the skin of his patients. But this goes one better - huge "puss filled swelling" indeed. Bloody cats get everywhere! Not to mention poor Theresa who has a sexual crisis, she's apparently a widower.

    Well, on the basis of this scientific accuracy, I will stop operating and tell my patients to all get the miracle cure.


  3. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

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