< CPD hours | Future Podiatrist in Australia (I HOPE) NEED HELP >
  1. toughspiders Active Member

  2. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    CLICK HERE for the guidelines in questions

    Section S133 is the section in question - there is nothing in that Ad which contravenes this on first read in my opinion.

    It quite categorically states in the Ad its a Podiatrist.

    On facebook I get Ads for certain Podiatry clinics in and around Sydney all the time. Some even purporting to be the "best Podiatry website in the Southern Hemisphere" - (obviously they have never been on Podiatry Arena).

    Advertising generally (contrary to popular myth) isn't "banned" as a health professional.

    What exactly do you have an issue with Bex? Maybe a clear and concise explanation referring to how you think they have breached AHPRAs guidelines would be helpful?

    Also if you look right below it there is an Ad for a dentist.
  3. toughspiders Active Member

    Sorry Paul i didn't read the ad properly you're right it is a Podiatrist.

    "The use of gifts or discounts in advertising is inappropriate,
    due to the potential for such inducements to encourage
    the unnecessary use of regulated health services"

    however, when i read the document again it seems we can as long as we state terms and conditions..??

    so am i right in assuming it is discouraged but not unacceptable...

    I once offered a free cream with the initial consultation and was told i wasn't allowed to do it... this is why i posted, i was confused and maybe i've got the wrong end of the stick ;(
  4. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    I think the issue would be if every patient was prescribed orthotics even if they didn't need them - that's the only issue I may have with this ad.

    Who told you that you couldn't offer Free cream with an initial consultation? I am assuming it was simply "moisturizer" and not corticosteroid - would be interested in who exactly told you this?
  5. toughspiders Active Member

    Thanks Paul, just getting really confused over what we can advertise. PM'd you.
  6. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    I got your message and responded but your inbox is full so wont let me write back. Thanks for the insight - rest assured the only people you need to take any notice of is AHPRA - the organization you referred to are a toothless tiger with no power at all.
< CPD hours | Future Podiatrist in Australia (I HOPE) NEED HELP >

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