< Broken (rebroken?) toe | Swollen Second Toe >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Hi, I am 8 weeks post bunion surgery (austin and osteotomy) with a permanent screw in my foot. My surgeon asked me if I had issues wearing a watch or with belt buckles on my skin - I told him no, but I can't wear "cheap" fashion earrings, as I'm allergic to them (my ear lobes become red, hot, itchy & a bit swollen). I have a burning sensation on the top of my foot where the bunion was (around the incision area), it aches and is sort of reddish/light purple (a small contained circle). Does...

    Allergic to the metal screw in my foot after bunionectomy?

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< Broken (rebroken?) toe | Swollen Second Toe >

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