< Why you dr wants you to buy more shoes | Custom Foot Orthotics in Fibromyalgia >
  1. leosteo Welcome New Poster

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    Got a query about the best type of shoes for toddlers from the perspective of best protection and allowing normal foot development.
    Somebody mentioned vivobarefoot baby shoes to me, but the only discussion about this brand that I've found so far is related to the contentious issue of barefoot running. Any ideas?
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Why do they even need shoes?
    Vivobarefoot have lost a lot of respect

    See some of these thread for advice: Childrens shoes
  3. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    To go to the park and child minding centers.

    We make and sell shoes for small children, until their hands are at their waist, we suggest not putting shoes on them at all, after that, only when they need to for such moments as mentioned above.

    As for a brand, cant say as we dont know where you are and not all brands are global.

    Look for a shoe shop that will measure and fit their foot, then get them to run around the shop for 10 or 15 min to be sure they are happy and not sitting down trying to pull them off, body language will tell you how well they fit.
  4. leosteo Welcome New Poster

    Thanks for the links and tips.

    My main consideration was on taking my child to the playground and when he's able enough to let him loose. I live in London so if you know any good shops let me know.
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