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  1. Emma Member

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    I am seeking advice regarding the purchase of a bariatric podiatry treatment couch. There appear to be plenty that have the higher safe working weight limits, however the width of the cushions and the space between the arms rests prevents the truly bariatric client from being able to use them safely.

    I have found just 1 bariatric couch that could be appropriate but it would be bought unseen and I am a bit nervous about spending the money and then having buyers remorse!

    I'm not sure if I am able to advertise the name of the couch I am considering, but here goes (sorry, if not appropriate).... MTI 527WP, a non-bariatric version is available here in Oz which I use regularly and am happy with. Does anyone have any feedback regarding the bariatric version? OR does anyone recommend any other product? My concerns are the width of the couch when treating the smaller client, are they going to be able to adjust their position easily enough to get comfortable, is it going to be too long?

    The couch will have to be used by all my clients as I only have one room.

    I have to consider the bariatric couch as I work in public health and many of the referrals I am receiving are coming from the bariatric clinic downstairs, most of whom have chronic disease and therefore meet the criteria for the service. I have had to decline treatment to one client as they are just too large for my current chair and it is not safe for me to see them despite having an adequate safe weight limit on the couch.

    All advice would be gratefully received!

    Many thanks
  2. I recommend a couch that it will withstand the weight of even the most bariatric of patients....;)
  3. Emma Member

    As much as I would love the feature in the clinic, alas, it may cause the clients other problems....... on their derriere! :eek:
  4. drfoot2 Active Member

    Hi Emma, I have a MTI Bariatric chair. I bought it about 8 months ago and am thrilled with it. I agree with Dr Kirby, buy the best you can, ONCE. I am happy to discuss further or come and have a look if you are in Melbourne. I bought the model with the swivel base due to room restrictions. The only thing I would say is it stands a little higher at rest and some of my shorter patients find it a little harder to get on.
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