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Biomechanics of Amputated Great Toe

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Vega, Feb 21, 2023.

  1. Vega

    Vega Member

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    Hi all,

    Looking for some vital knowledge to do with a traumatic amputation of great toe, and the bio mechanical effects this has on the body.

    Am I in the right place?

    *Note - I am not a podiatrist.
  2. Dan T

    Dan T Active Member

    Is it the entirety of the toe. Depends on the foot mechanics previously. It will certainly effect the efficiency of the gait but it is generally manageable and ought not stop the person from participating in most activities. I mean, they wont be hot on the heels of Usain bolt
  3. Vega

    Vega Member

    I’ve lost the toe down to the metatarsal.

    Its been over 20 years. I can say that it definitely does have more effect that what I seem to read about.

    I’m my belief it does change the natural gait leading to knee hip and back issues. Having never received a bio mechanical examination, it’s maybe speculation.

    I was issued a pair of orthotics, which I wore for about 2 - 3 years. Found them quiet cumbersome to be honest.

    what I need now to establish is that by not wearing the othotics, this has had no real impact on the plantar forces and how there are applied through the foot, with or without orthotic devices, once the great toe is gone.

    I’m 44 years old, and will be making myself available to any future studies on the subject.
  4. Brian A. Rothbart

    Brian A. Rothbart Well-Known Member

    Loss of the hallux definitely has a pervasive impact on the entire body, specifically the posture. Specifically, it alters/distorts the generated proprioceptive signals sent to the cerebellum. In time, one will see a forward and inward shift (Bio implosion) in the posture (including a forward shift in the dental arch).
  5. Vega

    Vega Member

    Thanks Brian. Good insight.

    From the case studies I’ve read up on, the link to the rest of the body is fairly clear. The issue I have is being able to prove that just because I have not worn orthotic devices for 20 years, this does not greatly effect how plantar forces are applied, and over time issues with the knees, hips and back are common.

    most of what I have read about seems to be from people having the toe removed to replace a thumb. There is not a lot of mention Re orthotic devices and case studies showing effects of both outcomes from what I can see.
  6. Brian A. Rothbart

    Brian A. Rothbart Well-Known Member

    I agree, a paucity of publications on this subject (orthotics used with hallux amputations).
  7. Vega

    Vega Member

    I’ve been looking into making myself available for University study on the subject. It is my hope that some good will come from my situation for other patients treatment in the future.
  8. Dan T

    Dan T Active Member

    Your loss of Windlass function can certainly impact and explain some of your knee & back problems. That said, we get the cards we are dealt, and I would encourage you to do all you can do. Back mechanic, a book by Stuart McGill has a good basis for back rehabilitation. Maintaining a very strong core and working on your glute strength will mitigate some of the abnormal forces that have subsequently been placed on your joints. Happy to discuss some ideas and point you in the right direction if I can

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