< Landing mats and ankle injury in gymnastics | What were ASCIS thinking? >
  1. Holapod Member

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    Hi All, I have been a podiatrist for around 10+ years but mostly in the public sector. I have spent the largest part of my career updating my knowledge in diabetes while dabbling in a small amount of paediatrics and biomechanics.

    I have decided to start a very small private practice and I want to offer my patients the most up to date advice.

    I have been doing a lot of self-directed learning but its difficult to wade through what is opinion vs best practice.

    Where do I start?? I don't have a heap of money but Im happy to spend a little. I have been looking at Bar told biomechanics? and Bartold Gold? Any reviews on these?

    Also not against old fashion hard copy books

    I am hoping for practical advice that I can apply to the general population that will benefit my patients

    I have attended Craig's workshop twice in recent years which was excellent

    thank you in advance
  2. William Fowler Active Member

    Craig's Boot Camp is way to go. The online version contains a lot more content that is useful and practical.
< Landing mats and ankle injury in gymnastics | What were ASCIS thinking? >

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