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Biomechanics study guiding / mentoring Email list

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Robertisaacs, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. Hey! I've just noticed this!!

    Twirly swore she'd keep that quiet! What's the world coming to, are the NO secrets any more ?!?! ;)
  2. Robert:

    Good job! It does warm my heart to know that podiatrists worldwide want more biomechanics education. In my many international lectures, I have always found the level of interest in foot and lower extremity biomechanics to be high. This is one of the reasons why I spend so much of my free time contributing to Podiatry Arena. Podiatry Arena is now the best method by which to deliver state-of-the-art foot and lower extremity biomechanics knowledge to the international podiatry profession.

    I would like also to help you out with this venture. Please contact me privately if you think I can help you better accomplish your goals in any way.:drinks
  3. Paul_UK

    Paul_UK Active Member

    Id like to join B.A.S.T.A.R.D's, email sent Robert!
  4. Agreed!!:drinks
    Wow, thanks Kevin. I know how busy you are so I really appreciate the offer.

    This has grown rather beyond what I'd expected. We're up to about 50 people :eek: on the list. The first session has already gone out and had about a dozen people had a go, All of whom will, I hope, gotten something from it!

    I'm stunned by the response. We'll take things slow. I don't want to turn this into a correspondance course for biomechanics, or a textbook in chunks. I'm also aware that with the caliber of people helping out now there is a risk we will elevate this to a level of expertise which will make people feel unable to keep up, which I DEFINATLY don't want. This remains strictly clincal, pragmatic, "BIOMECHANICS FOR THE TERRIFIED" not play-by-mail Pod arena. :eek:

    So a HUGE thankyou to everyone who has helped, and offered their help, and a huge thankyou for everyone who has signed up, ESPECIALLY those who are not regular Arena contributors (ie most of you).

    We'll take it slow, in every sense, and see how this evolves.

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