< i-FAB 2010 Seattle Meeting | "Diabetic Foot Disease – The Bigger Picture"; Melbourne; Australia >

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    I just got a private message asking a few questions and specialist training ,anyway.

    I know Ian and Simon has mentioned over the last week or so there is a Biomechanics summer School going on in England, I guess in summer ( which day is summer in England ?:D;))

    Anyway does anyone have dates contact details, whats on offer, or any other knowledge they can post up so said PM person will get some help.

    I beleive Dr Spooner is giving a talk and then apparently Ian, Robert and him after a good solid warm up my take up Dels challenge ?
  2. Griff Moderator

    Re: Biomechanics summer School


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  3. Re: Biomechanics summer School

    Nice one Ian I´ll makesure PMer sees the thread.
  4. boredone Member

    Re: Biomechanics summer School

    Hi - You can register on-line at http://www.rxlabs.com/shop/home.php and we look forward to seeing you all for a great program of lectures.

    Adrian Bishop
    MD RX Laboratories.
  5. lucycool Active Member

    Biomechanics Summer School UK

    I'm a new graduate and want to learn more about practical biomechanics. I've been adviced to go on the RXLabs Summer School in July, but wondering if anyone has been on it and could tell me what it's like? How much practical is involved?
    As I'm a new graduate (aka unemployed) I want to make sure I'm not wasting my savings!

    Thanks for any advice you can give me.

  6. Re: Biomechanics Summer School UK

    Look at the programme and decide if it's for you. I'm giving a couple of presentations, but nothing practical in a formal sense. Catch me outside of lectures and you might end up with your shoes off... Sounds a bit rude, not meant that way.;)
  7. lucycool Active Member

    Re: Biomechanics Summer School UK

    Thanks for that Simon. It does look good. Hopefully I can save up enough to get there!

  8. William Fowler Active Member

    The last few Biomechanics Summers schools have not been very good. They have been going downhil for a few years now. I got nothing of practical value from them.
  9. What would have made them better for you, William?
  10. William Fowler Active Member

    In general, the earlier ones had a real practical take home message to them. The more recent ones haven't.
  11. Well, while I'm presenting two didactic sessions and I guess I'll be involved in the question and answer sessions too, I'd be very disappointed if no one took something back to work on Monday morning that they couldn't employ in their biomechanics practice from my sessions this year.
  12. Foot Lady Member

    I went to 'Brit Pods' last year in Grantham, very biomech based and their whole thing was making sure you learnt new practical skills. I took loads away from it. I think the next one is coming up soon, but i am too pregnant to go unfortunately!!
  13. Chloe P Member

    Like Lucy, I am a new grad looking to improve my practical biomechanics knowledge. Unfortunately, the summer school is just not affordable to me this year.

    Just hoping someone might be able to suggest any worthwhile day courses with a strong practical focus in the UK over the next couple of months?

  14. Chloe, why not find a Pod who works mainly with MSK conditions and as if you can spend a few days with them.

    Every new condition spend time doing a case study report with types of treatment research into the condition etc and come on here a read about what people have written about it. Best way to spend you timw with as little money as possible.
  15. I'm doing a study day for the bournmouth branch of the SCP in September. They're usually practical and pragmatic based.

    But to be honest if you want to develop practical skills the best way, as Micheal said, is to find someone doing lots of Biomechanics who will let you sit in with them for a few clinics. Teaching applied skills whilst doing applied MSK podiatry = easy. Teaching applied skills in the environment of a lecture theatre = really quite hard!

    Find a mentor.
  16. Kerrie Active Member

  17. Anyone can attend branch CPD events. I think they're about £50 for the day or something silly.

    That one will be basic biomechanics 2 (did BB1 in may.). Still agonising on the itinary but I think it will be Sagittal plane biomechanics, kinetic chain theory, a practical on Chairside manufacture and either a theory session on deflective biomechanics (for chairside manufacture) or one on applying theory to prescription. All very basic, very applied, very everyday stuff so if you want high level theory the summer school is a better bet!

    If you PM me with your Email address I'll forward to the organiser so they can send you details.
  18. blinda MVP

  19. $10 to anyone who can accurately record the bit from 0.25 to 0.33 on GHORT!

    I love that sketch. Every time I see students do gait analysis I think of it and smile.
  20. Griff Moderator

    Anyone here going to the summer school, staying at Woodland Grange and fancy a spot of golf? Warwickshire Golf Club is under 2 miles away and I was thinking about squeezing a twilight round in on either the Friday or Saturday early evening
  21. Errrrrr. No.
  22. Mandy, I see you share my views of the "royal and ancient". My in-laws are both past captains- ladies and men's at their local golf club. The house is covered in trophy's, memorabilia and "humourous" golfing "object d'art". Outside, on a sign it say's "a lady golfer lives here"-Christ on a bike? Why?. There's a mug with a hole in it saying something "funny" about "hole in ones" need I go on? Although I love 'em, the golfing "humour" really 'erks with me.

    For example, the father-in-law would think this was a killer:

    Don't get it, never will.
    P.S. Anyone here going to the summer school, staying at Woodland Grange and fancy a spot of drinking? There is a bar on the premises and I was thinking about squeezing a twilight round in on either the Thursday or Friday evening...

    PPS. I may well sport golfing attire in the bar on Thursday.
  23. Griff Moderator

    That didn't make me laugh... honest...

    I take your point. And as no-one has responded I'll meet you in the bar instead - I'll be the one in the corner in the plus-fours
  24. RobinP Well-Known Member

    I'd have played if I was going.

    Something tells me golf won't be a possibility at bootcamp in November, unless its floodlit!
  25. twirly Well-Known Member

    & why it's televised? :confused:

    Camera on golfer. Man hits ball, ball enters sky <not visible!> ball remains unseen by viewers watching sky until bounces on ground to rapturous applause. :rolleyes:

    Tada :wacko:

    I must agree.

    At least with footy & rugger you get to see their legs.



  26. twirly Well-Known Member

    Yummy. :D
  27. ssbath Member

    What was the course like, I know they run every year and need to set asisde some cash for next year if it is worth it. Was it worth the money
< i-FAB 2010 Seattle Meeting | "Diabetic Foot Disease – The Bigger Picture"; Melbourne; Australia >

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