< Setting up a private practice - what advice do you wish you had been given before starting? | Nail Drill Servicing - Lancashire/Yorkshire >
  1. mgrig Active Member

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    Does anyone here have ppointment slots to the back of their business cards?

    I am thinking of going with logo + slogan on one side and name, website and practice details on the other side. Doing so would leave little room pt's to write down their appointments. Can you foresee this being a problem?

    I figure I can counteract this by designing an appointment specific card, which could be more appropriate, lower quality and cheaper in the long run.
  2. I have logo, name - big

    smaller address, telephone, web and email on 1 side

    6 appointment slots on the back

    works fine why have 2 cards seems a waste
  3. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    l have two poditrist's l refer to, all their cards are on display in card holders on my reception desk and all have appointment slots on the back, just as Mike has described to you, it looks to be almost the "industry standard" even down to the 6 appointment slots
  4. mcajoo Welcome New Poster

    Hey Mike !
    My name's Marcos and I'm from Brazil. I never thought such a subject would bring me so much doubt... Could you send me a scan of your card so that I can, maybe, use it as model for mine?
  5. Thats the front and on the back is the 6 appointment slots like below

    day _______________ time _________

    day _______________ time _________

    day _______________ time _________


    Hope that helps

    Attached Files:

  6. Lucy Hawkins Active Member

    I think appointments on the back is quite normal. Occasionally I have come across one folded, appointments in the middle and blurb or directions on the back. This gives more space for appointments normally the same size as a normal card but folded vertically, costs more.

    You can't normally have a high gloss finish to the card if you want to write on it.

  7. RobinP Well-Known Member

    I have two different cards. Not through any great design, just the way things developed. My business cards are quite good quality and cost a reasonable amount to have printed. Although it is not the same thing, we have brochures for the other services we offer and it is like a dagger through the heart when people scrunch them up stuff them into their bags. Not many people I know bring appointment cards to each visit so we find we issue a new appointment card every time.

    For this purpose, I get a load of free ones done on Vistaprint. They are just business cards that I have adapted to be appointment cards. They are smaller than credit card, on reasonable thickness card and can get plenty of info on because my name and qualifications are not on there.

    When I reorder business cards, I will probably keep the same set up as it works well for me. Probably won't for everyone
  8. billybob Member

    try a site called vista print , from america , they are cheap and have standard designs ready for use
  9. MJJ Active Member

    I have nice business cards and cheaper appointment cards.
  10. andersonkchan Active Member

    I would definately recommend vistaprint.com, i go there for my business cards!
    look out for whne they have "free cards" promos - just pay $5-$10 for postage lol.
    I always pay the few bucks extra for "premium quality ". :)
< Setting up a private practice - what advice do you wish you had been given before starting? | Nail Drill Servicing - Lancashire/Yorkshire >

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