< New industrial award covering Australian podiatrists | S4 prescribing >
  1. rosherville Active Member

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    Hi All

    Need your assistance, I`m in the UK.

    I`ve a patient who will need a good orthotic and most likely an accomodative custom shoe. He now lives near Perth WA. Following an RTA he has a fractured calcanium with a large fragment rotated and a shortened achilles. Further surgery is not appropriate, he`s in considerable pain on weight bearing. At present his orthotics break up in the centre.

    Qu: what`s the situation on shoes and orthotics in that region ? Here in the UK we can get fine shoes made but a standard orthotic is usually included and usually useless; we then send to a specialist who can make an orthotic to fit the shoe and foot.

    All info gratefully received, funding not a problem.

  2. rosherville Active Member

    7 days and no reply !

    Am I correct in assuming that custom shoe makers and orthotic specialists don`t exist or arn`t needed in Western Australia ?
  3. pgcarter Well-Known Member

    I'm in country Victoria. In Aus there are custom shoe makers and one of them operates from WA that I deal with. A company called Gadean developed a system of a box with mirrors and size squares that you put a foot into, having put sticky tape measures around the foot at met heads and instep. The pictures allow them to see lateral and medial and top view all from one photo of each foot with scale included. This allows remote distance people to get shoes kind of made to measure. If they are using an orthotic that is stuck on the feet with the sticky tape measures so that they are included in the picture. Usually best result to have orthoses first I think. You might get a google hit on them. Called E-Fit system from Gadean. There will be better genuinely bespoke footwear makers out there I'm sure, just no-one replying to you. There is a Uni pod faculty in Perth(I think) you could try to contact them.
    regards Phill Carter
  4. Ian North Member

  5. try sending a message to Rebecca -Asher 99.9% sure she´s in WA not sure if near Perth or not . Well near is all relative in WA near in the UK 30 km, near in rural WA 500-600 km. If she can´t help your patient , she maybe able to help with someone who can.
  6. Asher Well-Known Member

    Ian's link is all you need, though I'm surprised WA Surgical Bootmakers aren't listed. I use them often and find they're great: Peter Giglia-Smith is the man there 08 9321 3359, 3 Shafto Lane Perth.

    I'm 800km from Perth, maybe a little too far. Feel free to PM me with details of the suburb your patient is living in and I can put them in touch with a nearby podiatrist. Although I'm sure Ian himself could help.


  7. Laurie Foley Member

    Hi Rosherville, If your patient was treated in the public health system, (ie a tertiary hospital: there are three in Perth metropolitan area) he could get his orthopaedic consultant to refer him to the pod depts there as he would be eligible for ongoing care as part of his initial access via the ED dept. If it is more than 12 months since his last contact with the health service a GP referral to the health service orthopedic service would be required. A colleague here at Fremantle hospital has many years experience with such cases as we receive orthpaedic referrals for F/u post trauma. I can supply you with his details outside the Pod Arena.

    Laurie Foley
  8. rosherville Active Member

    Thanks All

    Will pass this info on to the patient who lives in Mindarie.

    He`s self funding as a result of the impending insurance settlement which has the cost of shoes and orthotics factored in.
< New industrial award covering Australian podiatrists | S4 prescribing >

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