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Caribbean Job Opportunity

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Dominic Kiernander, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. Dominic Kiernander

    Dominic Kiernander Welcome New Poster

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    Greeting from the Sunny British Virgin Island's

    How does working in a friendly, modern clinic sound?

    We are looking for a podiatrist to come join our medical team, here at Eureka Medical Clinic and our sister Hospital, Bougainvillea.

    Paid in US dollars, with Tax at 16% (including income tax Social security, National Health etc) we will encourage you with pay that rewards you fairly, allowing you to flourish into the life you want to live.

    The BVI has no current podiatrist for our population of 30,000. The demand for your skills here is huge and you will make a real difference to lives of people who will welcome you for the professional care you provide.

    Evenings and weekends are for sunbathing, Scuba diving, surfing, hiking, football, tennis, squash, amateur dramatics, quiz nights, eating out, sailing, snorkling... all in the sun.

    The BVI is a welcoming friendly place, where you'll find like minded people for your hobbies and pastimes'

    Once established here healthcare professionals want to stay.

    Daily flights to Miami if you want to visit the USA at the weekend, or other Caribbean islands (Puerto Rico, Domincan Republic, St Maarten, Antigua)

    So please contact me if you think this would suit you. We can also accommodate other medical specialities either at Eureka or Bougainvillea hospital.

    This could be the chance you have been looking for

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