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  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    Article from NZ relates to the new dress code for casino patrons. Seems Uggs are acceptable but jandles, wellies and steel toe capped boots do not cut muster.


    This type of sumptuary law (legal right to wear certain clothes) goes way back into history and usually favours the 'haves' as opposed to the 'have nots.' Slightly ironic here, since most punters no matter their attire are likely to loose their all in gambling establishments.

    Of course the real reason is to keep the riff raff out which is based on the wrongful assumption low socio-economical groups come stereo-typically dressed.

    Apparently some studies have shown casino workers are at high risk of foot fatique due to their long hours. One can only hope the gambling establishments maintain an appropriate duty of care to their employees and provide them with suitable work shoes and podiatry services.

    I would'nt bet on it ;)

    hoddie toeslayer
  2. ACH Welcome New Poster

    I used to work for Skycity Casino, in the corporate side of the business. The irony in policy’s favoring the ‘haves’ over the ‘have not’ is that the busiest day in the casino is always dole day...the day the unemployed received their weekly allowance from the government!

    And as for casino workers being offered appropriate footwear for the long hours they stand on their feet, Skycity does offer a range of employee benefits... however nothing that would help them in this respect. As one of NZ largest employers they have to adhere to very strict health and safety regulations, if a podiatrist were to offer discounted services it would be in Skycity's best interests to jump at the chance to pass this on to its huge staff network. An untapped market and a win- win situation for both podiatrist and company!
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