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  1. Have you considered the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp Online, for taking it to the next level? See here for more.
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Have you considered the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp Online, for taking it to the next level? See here for more.
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Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp; Auckland, New Zealand; 29 & 30 October

Discussion in 'New Zealand' started by Craig Payne, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator


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    Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp; Auckland, New Zealand; 29 & 30 October 2016

    In collaboration with:

    Please Book Early to secure a place.

    This is version 3.0 of the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camps, which is a complete rewrite of previous versions!

    Discussion and feedback on previous Boot Camps

    Selected Content (content is constantly evolving and being added to):
    - Short or long term use of foot orthotics?
    - Deconstruction all the social media crap on foot orthotics and running form
    - Why do overuse injuries occur?
    - Lower the force or increase the ability of the tissue to take the force?
    - How to increase the ability of tissues to take the force, so maybe orthotics aren't needed.
    - How to spot cherry picking, confirmations bias and the usual trope of argumentative fallacies in foot orthotic debates
    - Toning Shoes
    - Minimalism vs Maximalism
    - What?s more important: Proximal or distal control of the lower limb? (ie is it the foot or is it the hip?)
    - Tabulation of foot orthotic design features for prescription variables
    - When to run which way; deciding which running ?form? is better for which individual
    - Making clinical decisions in the context of all the online and media driven rhetoric and propaganda about foot biomechanics, orthotics and injury
    - Running shoes, foot orthotics and their effect on muscle strength (myths vs the science)
    - Advising runners and facilitating the transition to different running forms
    - Increased understanding of the role of fascia in foot biomechanics
    - Trends vs Fads; the gullibility of the athletic market
    - The running shoes and knee osteoarthritis debacle
    - What role do impact forces really play in injury?
    - "I read on a blog that orthotics are evil and should be banned"
    - What to do in the absence of evidence
    - Solving the problem of which running shoe prescription when
    - Role of forces vs role of motion; the pronation myth; the foot orthoses paradox
    - Clinical tests to derive orthotic prescription variables
    - Foot orthotic design features to deliver the prescription variables
    - Supination resistance; axis variations; lunge test; windlass forces; role of 'stiffness'
    - Pathology specific prescribing
    - Patellofemoral pain syndrome; medial knee osteoarthritis; Achilles tendinitis
    - Negative model method; positive model production
    - Custom vs library vs prefabricated; different approaches (MASS; FTT; etc)
    Break out practical sessions are held to demonstrate and practice clinical tests.

    Cost: The cost is NZD$440.00 which includes notes and food/drink etc

    Please contact if you require an invoice for your organization.

    Venue: Venue will be announced as soon as we get a better indication of numbers, so please register soon.

    To register, use the PayPal link on the website (you do not need to register in the site).

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