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HELP: Article about templates

Discussion in 'Foot Surgery' started by mblanchette, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. mblanchette

    mblanchette Welcome New Poster

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    Hi everybody!
    I am a first year podiatry resident. We are doing a journal club every Monday and I am the one picking uo the articles.
    There is an article that I would really like to read to know if it would be good to present. The problem is that it is an old article (1979) and I am not able to find it anywhere... I was wondering if anybody would have the orginal article and would be able to send it to me.
    The article is called: "the indications and techniques for utilizing preoperative templates in podiatric surgery". Author is Gerbert J. Published in JAPMA in 1979, 69:139-48.

    That would be really great if anybody would have it and could share!
    I think that templates are really important and that we should do them more often to be better prepared to do surgery!

    Thanks for your help!!
  2. MBlanchette:

    Welcome to Podiatry Arena.:welcome:

    You would likely get more responses if you gave us your real name and where you are in your residency. The personal touch makes a lot of difference to many of us and whether or not we will take the time out of our busy days to respond to newcomers.

    The article you have requested would likely need to be in somebody's personal collection or a library since the JAPMA website does not have articles from 1979 either as abstract or pdf. However, Josh Gerbert's textbooks on bunion surgery does have a nice account of his templating techniques which he taught to us in the early 1980s as podiatry students.

    Hope this helps.
  3. mblanchette

    mblanchette Welcome New Poster

    Thank you Dr Kirby!

    My name is Mireille Blanchette and I am a first year resident at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. I had notice when I was looking for the article that JAPMA doesn't have an article that old available. This is why I wanted to ask if, like you said, anybody had the original article in their personal collections.
    I already have the book from Dr Gerbert in my possession (Textbook of bunion surgery) and this is from that book that I found the reference for his article! It is a really good book that I like to refer to :)
    Since it is for a journal club though, I need to present an article, not a book...
    I find the idea of talking about templates really interesting, because I think this is a good preoperative preparation and that we tend not to use it a lot anymore.
    Would you happen to know other articles that would be easier to have that are also talking about templates?

    Thank you very much for your time!

  4. Mireille:

    I don't know of any articles that also talk about templates other than that presented by Dr. Gerbert. I still use templates any time I am contemplating a closing base wedge osteotomy for HAV surgery but otherwise don't use them. However, at the student and surgery resident level, it is probably a good thing to do the templates for many surgeries just to be able to visualize the correction better and to see when the templates are helpful and when they are not helpful.

    I would bet that if you contacted the library at NYCPM, or one of the other podiatry colleges, that they could have a student look up that article for you and e-mail or fax it to you.

    Good luck in your search and feel free to ask questions since you will certainly get a large range of responses to your questions.:drinks

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