< Logic puzzles 3 | Doing my best to knock Admin off "top poster" >
  1. markjohconley Well-Known Member

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    just browsing the archives (as i do when i'm not wreaking havoc on old ladies distal parts) but craig, love your posts, but mate please get one of those adoring undergrads to spell check for you ........... i'm saving on .doc file the best? thread/posts and i spend 1/2 my time (on the .doc file) getting rid of that scriggly red line found beneath many a CP entry ......... not complaining LOVE THE SHOW!
  2. I Aglee formletely . spilling is as impotant as grammer and presetation an punchuation.

    For myself i'd rather Craig spend the time on more content than tarting it up.

    But thats just me. My English teacher always said i was illegitimate. (?) ;)

  3. Cameron Well-Known Member


    All my life I have wanted to be a good speller but no luck. Spell checks are fine but not always foolproof. My excuse is I am dyslexic due to nystagmus and feel I cope reasonably well under the circumstances. But I cringe when I reread much of what I have written.

    Hey, wot the hell!
  4. Heard of a dyslexic once who got into devil worship. He sold his soul to santa. Fortunatly he's now found Dog.

  5. DaVinci Well-Known Member

    dyslexia rules ko ...
  6. Having had my "English" corrected numerous times by my mother (who was an English teacher) during my youth, I tend to be very conscious of my spelling and grammar especially when communicating with colleagues regarding academic matters. I'm sure that many of you who have read the postings of many of the frequent contributors to Podiatry Arena have already subconsciously formed opinions regarding their level of intelligence and their type of personality, even though you may have never met them in person or heard them lecture. When the written word is all you have to judge a person by, then the quality of the written word means everything.

    Knowing Craig Payne very well for many years, his frequent mispellings and incomplete sentences on this forum definitely do not reflect on his intellect, but rather probably reflect on the brief amount of time he has to make some of his postings. However, for those of you who are less "famous" than Craig Payne, it would certainly behoove you to check the spelling of your postings and reread your postings for grammatical errors if you desire to be perceived on this forum as possessing a higher intellect.
  7. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    well said kevin, no scriggly red lines under your entries, interestingly i too had an english teacher parent and i'm not a kiwi either........... we're almost related!
  8. Cameron Well-Known Member


    Dyslexia and left handedness are often associated and one theory is left handers use the right side of their brain (the artistic side), whereas right handers rely on the left side of the brain (which is more word orientated). So it may be presumtious to assume correct spelling defines acceptable behavour and this has fortunatley been recognised by educators who will within existing resources try to accommodate dyslexic children. These kids once recognised are often very creative and artistic. In the past they may have been dismissed as dim and slow learners. Many low achievers were found to be left handed, and or heard of hearing and or dyslexic. Substantial number of students at university are mildly dyslexic which may never been picked up in the elementary and secondary schooling and that does create challenges for the individual. More alarmingly is recent reports confirm an alarming number of students in tertiary education who are illiterate. Now that is a worry, especially when there is no provision made to support remedial education in hughger education institutes. When I visited podiatric education centres in Canada, UK and Australia I was aware of the heavy commitment colleagues had towards remedial education which they took on as extra curricular teaching. This frequently went without recognition by managment but was considered essential for the program to function. Heavy teaching loads prevented many individuals from developing their own research and consultancy roles. Two aspects employers value highly. No much wonder therer is high stress in teaching.

    With as many as 25% of the world's population left siders no-one is really sure why right sidedness dominates. We know from their origins the words left and right are not opposites. Left, i.e. lyft, lif, licht or leicht means weak, worthless or fragile. Aztec and Incas the Japanese Shinto, Egyptians and Romans all worshiped the sun and considered the right to be good and the left the dark side. In Greek times the left side was the best side and the Romans thought of left as the lucky. This did not stop the ancients from having their suspicions and superstitions. Pythagoras (569 BC - 475 BC) taught his students to put the shoe on the right foot first. "When stretching forth your feet to have your sandals put on, first extend your right foot". He was a committed vegan and would not have a student wear leather sandals. Caesar Augustus (63 B.C. - 14 C.E.) was very superstitious on this point and considered it was very bad luck to cross the threshold of the door with the left foot. Gaius Petronius (27-66 A.D.), author of the Satyricon, and the Emperor Nero's advisor in matters of luxury and extravagance agreed. He advocated entering and leaving a dwelling house with the right foot foremost. To do otherwise was unlucky. In Rome there was a servant whose sole job was to make sure all those entering the house did so with their right foot. The person was called a footman and the position is with us to this day. It is very bad luck to place the right foot in a left shoe. This superstition has been around for yonks and was written about since Roman Times. In Hudibras translated by Samuel Butler, Augustus Caeser’s untimely demise was forecast in rhythm.

    "Augustus having by oversight
    Put on his left shoe for his right
    Had like to have been slain that day
    By soldiers mutinying for pay."

    The Syrian philosopher Iamblichus (c. 250-c. 330), considered the choice of foot symbolised man's first duty was reverence to the gods. This is still seen today when swearing an oath “Raise your right hand and repeat after me....”. In Egypt it was customary to enter a haunted house with the left foot first. The White Knight in Through the Looking Glass referred to one who "might madly squeeze a right foot into the left hand shoe. An old Jewish custom was to put on the right shoe on first without tying it, then the left sock. The put their left shoe on and went to the right sock and finished with the right shoe. To them the right side for the fortunate side. Itchy palms usually mean left for bad luck and right for good. The word sinister for left has a later origin and originally referred to pocket in a toga which always lay on the left hand side. This was adapted to heraldry. Being left handed often refers to being in clumsy and may have its origins in the Roman assassin, when he failed in his duty subsequently burnt his right arm off. For centuries and in many countries, left handedness was considered the weaker side, the second best, and morally the evil side. In the past people who prefer the left side (or sinister side) were considered criminal, delinquent or mentally subnormal. Fortunately there is no substance to this but until recently children were forced to adopt a right handed persuasion. In southern India there are two opposing castes the Right Hand Sect (Dakshina) and the Left Hand Sect (Vami or Vamachari). Many battles took place between them. The left hand has been used throughout history for personal hygiene and although in modern society this distinction scarcely matters it is in many ways responsible for the taboo and physical prejudice against the left hand or unclean hand. Cack as in 'cack handed' or 'corrie fisted' means excrement and refers directly to the unclean hand. Note even today most toilets flush from a handle mounted on the left hand side of the system. Another potential source of suspicion can be found in the Vision of Judgement, St Matthew Ch XXV. where sheep (right side) were separated from the goats (left side). This scripture reference has probably accounted for the association of sinister people with wickedness and evil doing. The Left foot forward traditional used by marching armies was a deliberate attempt to put fear in the hearts of the enemy, because the left foot meant a commitment to kill and mame. A common belief was witches caused injury by touch of the left hand. Many of the rituals which celebrated sorcery included instructions to use the left hand for evil and the right for good. The mark of the devil was considered to be found on the left eyelid, shoulder or inner thigh. The word Satan has no connection with the left but is a Hebrew word meaning 'adversary'. Samael, was the Prince of Demons and in Hebrew 'se'mol' means left side. Moving in clockwise direction is common enough in folk dancing i.e. moving from left to right, to do the opposite is connected to satanic rituals. This may in part be explained by the worship of the sun and the earth's rotation. In the northern hemisphere turning into the sun would mean turning right, right handedness would prevail whereas people living in the southern hemisphere may prefer their left side. Certainly there are many customs which uphold this theory. Ben Yamin literally means Son of the Right hand yet ironically the only positive reference to the left hand in the Bible relates to the commando style left handers or Benjamites. The Book of Judges is full of the stories of Ehud a left handed Benjamite. Christian ritual certainly favours the right hand with three clear examples being the Benediction, making the sign of the cross, and giving communion. In countless painting the right hand of Jesus is raised. To give a blessing with the left hand was considered blasphemy and part of Black Mass. Caesare Lombroso was a nineteenth century criminologist best remembered for his theories on the criminal foot noted most people who were left eyed or left footed were also left handed. Recent studies have shown this to be less well founded. Anthropologists believe ambidextrousness was more common in previous times but with the development of tools this made significant difference and tool users hand to adapt to the sidedness of the tool makers. Heredity may also play a role in left handedness and is thought to be the result of a recessive trait. However the scientific community remain divided between heredity and environment. A southpaw or left handed person refers to a left handed pitcher in baseball and always faces south (in the Northern hemispheres). A southpaw boxer leads with his left fist. The term southpaw meaning left handed came from an incident described by Lord Baden Powel when greeting a defeated chieftain he held out his right hand only to be told men in the tribe welcome the bravest of men with their left hand. From this story came the famous southpaw handshake of the boy scouts. The origin of Molly-dooker was derived from Molly, an effeminate man, and dukes the slang for hands. A left footer is slang from Northern Ireland meaning a follower of the Catholic faith. Left as in radical faction was introduced by Thomas Carlyle in 1837. It comes from cote gauche (left side), in the French Assembly of 1789 the conservative nobles sat to the presiding officer's right side, the radicals of the Third Estate to his left, and the moderates directly before him. Children generally use both hands until they are about 3 or 4. Then they begin to favour one hand over the other. One theory is left handers use the right side of their brain, the artistic side whereas right handers rely on the left side of the brain which is more word orientated. There is no scientific proof one way or the other. The left leg is considered weaker and there is good anatomical reason for this. In the womb, often the left leg gets caught against the mother's spin and is weaker as a result. The left foot forward of the military may be due to several reasons. Because the left leg is considered weaker it is common sense not to venture the right foot first. A more probable explanation is since the right arm holds the sword or spear; a left foot forward action will give the necessary momentum for the weapon to be in action after two paces. The right foot is marginally more ticklish then the left foot according to research conducted at Stirling University, Scotland. Regardless of handedness and footedness people seemed to be more ticklish on their right foot. Some experts consider the left side of the brain deals with emotions like laughter, and the right side deals with pain. The research indicated males were more ticklish than females.

    Famous left handers include: Joan of Arc, King George VI, Harpo Marx, Charlie Chaplin, Rex Harrison, Kim Novak, Jesse Matthews, Judy Garland, Betty Grable, Olivia de Havailland, Mandy Rice Davis, Sir Paul McCartney, Danny Kaye, Terrance Stamp, Bill Clinton, Bob Charles (NZ), Phil Mickelson, Rus Cochran, & Richard Green (golfers) Rod Laver, Martina Navratilova, Jimmy Connors and John McEnroe, Ringo Starr, Ludwig van Beethoven, Pablo Picasso and Jimi Hendrix. Ambidextrous people include Plato, King David, Leonardo di Vinci, Michelangelo, Lord Baden Powell

    Barsley M 1966 The left-handed book London: Pan Books Ltd

    Hey, what do I know
  9. If we're being picky "well" should have had a capital because it starts a sentance, you used the wrong form of the word to (too) and it should have been a full stop and a capital between "entries" and "Interestingly".

    Your first post in this thread treats punctuation like a game of pin the tail on the donkey.

    Does your spell checker have scriggly green lines by any chance? :confused:

    Personally i don't much mind but you have to love the irony!


  10. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Touche robertisaacs. Yes green scriggly lines would certainly abound if i were to transfer any of my postings to a word .doc file. However none of my posts have been worthy of including in my 'study' material, where CP and KK posts constitute the bulk. Though my father was a english/history master, english was my weakest subject.
    And to Kevin Kirby you've jumped to Craig Payne's defence and i applaud you for it, but i have the greatest admiration for CP, have never doubted his intellect, and maintain to all and sundry that he has been a much welcome "shot-in-the-arm" for podiatry.
    I apologise to Podiatry-arena readers, as i should never have posted such a thread, mark conley
    post scriptum. robert, my wife had a good chuckle at that last post ..... now i'm off to do a doggy doo run
  11. Ok my wife has just pointed out that it was the correct use of the word to (too). :eek:

    How much of a tit do i feel now?!

    Interesting that our respective spouses get involved. Pod arena is obviously a family sport!

    Got to laugh!

  12. John Spina Active Member

    Or about the dyslexic/agnostic/insomniac who stayed up all night wondering if there really is a dog.....
  13. admin Administrator Staff Member


    You may now notice that following the software update, there is now a spell checker (see the ABC on the top right of the reply box).
  14. Eye half all weighs bin knot sew imp pressed width spelling Czech hers dew two there pour ability too Czech con text awl sew. :rolleyes:
< Logic puzzles 3 | Doing my best to knock Admin off "top poster" >

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