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    A dietary intervention for chronic diabetic neuropathy pain: a randomized controlled pilot study
    A E Bunner, C L Wells, J Gonzales, U Agarwal, E Bayat and N D Barnard1
    Nutrition & Diabetes (2015) 5, e158; doi:10.1038/nutd.2015.8
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Interesting study/paper above. As 'Admin2' cited, this interesting topic has been discussed in the:
    "Better nutrition boosts diabetic foot outcomes" thread... & in particular to Neuropathy - this post... where I referenced Dr Neal Barnard material (as well as other research associated with neuropathy). I see Dr Neal Barnard is also associated with the above cited research: Nutrition & Diabetes (2015) 5, e158; doi:10.1038/nutd.2015.8

    I think I have been associated with about 2 - 3 Neuropathy drug research trails with my patients... all were cut short due to adverse side effects!

    I have been familiar with Dr Neal Barnard's work with improving Diabetes outcome (which includes Diabetic Neuropathy) via plant based nutrition for quite a while... & the science is stacking up... but unfortunately this research is not reaching G.Ps (at least not in Australia from what I've experienced)... & subsequently to Diabetic (Type 2) patients. Yes, it involves a lifestyle change (i.e. a diet change -> to plant based)... & it would seem apparent that most people are willing to pop a drug (with adverse side effects) than change their diet & receive the many documented positive side effects (i.e. weight drop, lowered cholesterol, improved cardiovascular status, Type 2 D.M reversal, increased longevity etc...).

    I'm not sure what B-12 supplement they used, but out of interest it is best (i.e. safer, more bioavailable) to use the higher quality Methylcobalamin form as opposed to the regular Cyanocobalamin (slightly toxic cyanide) form. The better methods of administration are 1/ injections; 2/ sublingual (under tongue) & 3/ skin absorption (i.e. patches)... with Methylcobalamin B-12 patches probably the better all-round option (along with B-12 fortified food).

    Recently submitted a post (here) relating to other potential benefits associated with a plant based diet which potentially has implications on this topic (i.e. exercise-induced oxidative stress ameliorates type 2 Diabetes Mellitus & insulin resistance... in relation to mega-dose antioxidant supplements... & subsequent plant based antioxidants) - in the "Increased Circulating Anti-inflammatory Cells in Marathon-trained Runners" thread.
  4. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Interesting study on vitamin D status in relation to Diabetic Neuropathy...

    Low Vitamin D Levels Common in Painful Diabetic Neuropathy:

    Found the following interesting (& frustrating)...

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