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  1. defalbaire Member

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    Dear all,

    I am a podiatrist from Mauritius Island.

    I can't find any thing about the downing test on podiatry arena.

    I actually use a similar test to determine a functional or real LLI.

    The test that I used is similar to the Downing test. The patient is on a supine position, bend his knee, lift his pelvis three time, then I take is legs and see if I can measure a difference on the internal malleolus. Then I ask my patient to come back in a sitting position and see if the difference between the internal malleolus are the same or not.

    If I have the same difference I think of a real LLI and if I have a different result I think of a functional LLI and often refer my patient to the osteopath.

    I have been using this test for 6 years and it seems to work for me.

    We don't have any scaniometry in mauritius and can't take a complete Xray to confirm a real LLI.

    Could you tell me if some of you are using this test? Or what do you think about this test. I know that the downing test haven't past the fiability test because he is not reproductible in between different practitian but I beleive that he can be used by one practitian.

    What would be the best test for you to determine a real LLI than a functional LLI without Xray?

    Thank you for your help


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