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    The effects of ankle mobilization and active stretching on the difference of weight-bearing distribution, low back pain and flexibility in pronated-foots subjects
    Ki-Seok Yoon, Seong-Doo Park
    Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2013;9(2):292-297
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Sally Smillie Active Member

    Does anyone regularly do mobs?
  4. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Hi Sally,

    Yes and run UK courses in them as well.

    Mobs need to be put in a context though which is about trying to rehabilitate an individual, that is, mobs (soft tissue or joint) are not an end in themselves but part of a package. They can be surprisingly effective on their own sometimes though.
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    Talocrural joint mobilization; Muscle energy technique; Joint position sense; Static balance
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