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Excuse me Madam, is this yours?

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by Boots n all, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Boots n all

    Boots n all Well-Known Member

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    Excuse me Madame, is this yours?

    Let me set the scene for you.

    We have a small retail store, 3 big black sofas for clients to sit on, about 175 people through the store a day during back to school sales, my two sons and l measure and fitting, after the client is happy with the product and fit, we walk with them to our cashier, crying out "Next victim take a seat please!", gets a chuckle every time.

    As Mum pays the bill we talk to the children explaining, wear the new shoes during dinner every night until school starts please.

    We then walk back to the fitting station to fit the next victim, sorry client.

    But this time, as we where fitting up a young man with his mother watching, when the sale was complete we went to the cashier l noticed she had left her 4 yr old son sleeping on the sofa, l said dont forget your son Madam..her reply. "Its not mine", gave me a cold shiver.

    It would appear he belonged the the client prior...who had left the store and car park:eek: rather than wake and panic the young boy we left him sleep.

    Fortunately a few minutes later a rather panicked and embarrassed Mum came back to claim her still sleeping son, ignorance was bliss to the knowledge that he had ever been forgotten.:empathy:
  2. blinda

    blinda MVP

    It happens. More often than you think.

    I once `forgot` a 5 year old Jack was at after-school club. Jess had just finished her math extra tuition at home (yeah, like mother - like daughter) when her tutor came into the kitchen and said "Would Jack like to have this textbook as I gather he will be going through this...." He hadn`t finished the sentence before I gasped "JACK? OH NO, JACK!!" (or words to that effect) and drove like the clappers to the school.

    Jack was not impressed. Not because I had `forgotten` him, but rather because he had missed the Simpsons.
  3. davidh

    davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    I see his point:D.
  4. Ever see "Home Alone"?
  5. W J Liggins

    W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Yes, but who in their right mind wouldn't abandon McCrawley Sulkin!

  6. Yeah, but he was sure cute when he was a child.....like most other people we know....:rolleyes:
  7. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Knew it was a mistake to post that pic of me on the `Awkward Family photo` thread..... Mind you, post #8 proves your point. ;)
  8. Boots n all

    Boots n all Well-Known Member

    Its amazing what people leave behind in the school shoe rush, ipods, phones, hand bags and yes it appears even children.

    Lucky his Mum remembered him, l dont think he was going to fit in the lost property box:hammer:

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