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  1. chris Active Member

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    I conducted a short patient survey. Almost without exception my patients who could run; small sample, said that, ‘Eye of the tiger’ was on their I pod. ‘Rocky’ and ‘Walking on sunshine” are also up there.

    Now I wasn’t , ‘Born to run’
    I have taxi numbers in my phone on three continents.
    But I do want to walk a long way.
    My background although military, was Air Force.
    But I do want to walk a long way.
    Military marches and the ‘Rifle Brigade’ quick march are not my style. Highway to the danger zone is Out!
    But I do want to walk a long way.
    My taste in music goes from,’Soho down to Brighton’ but I am not chasing the silver ball!
    But I do want to walk a long way.
    So no two stroke adolescent freedom, no Mach two afterburner, no German efficiency!
    Shanks pony!!
    What music would you suggest?

  2. Why do we now need electronic gadgets to walk and run after thousands of generations of not having them? I hope the current generation realizes that they can walk and run just fine without ear buds.
  3. efuller MVP

    It would be a good thing if the music distracted those who were hyper-worried about their running form.

  4. Tkemp Active Member

    Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500miles) :rolleyes:
  5. Why do we now need trainers to walk and run after thousands of generations of not having them? Or indeed mobile phones after thousands of generations without them? Or TV's come to that!

    Leave the youf alone you luddite ;)
  6. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Mark Ronsons version of God put a Smile Upon Your Face


    Very high beat tempo without being some crazy dance tune - OK well fast enough that I am goosed after it has finished........so 35 bpm then
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