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The 'diabetic foot' and eye complications

Discussion in 'Diabetic Foot & Wound Management' started by NewsBot, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    Diabetic Foot Syndrome and Corneal Subbasal Nerve Plexus Changes in Congolese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
    Zhivov A et al
    PLoS One. 2015 Mar 26;10(3):e0119842
  2. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Association between diabetic foot ulcer and diabetic retinopathy.
    Hwang DJ et al
    PLoS One. 2017 Apr 7;12(4):e0175270. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175270. eCollection 2017.
  3. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Genetic predictors associated with diabetic retinopathy in diabetic foot patients - a preliminary study.
    Mrozikiewicz-Rakowska B, Łukawska M, Nehring P, Szymański K, Sobczyk-Kopcioł A, Krzyżewska M, Maroszek P, Płoski R, Czupryniak L.
    Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017 Nov 7. doi: 10.20452/pamw.4144.
  4. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Diabetic retinopathy in patients with diabetic foot syndrome in South India.
    Karam T, Kamath YS, Rao LG, Rao KA, Shenoy SB, Bhandary SV.
    Indian J Ophthalmol 2018;66:547-50
  5. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Presence of chronic diabetic foot ulcers is associated with more frequent and more advanced retinopathy.
    Sellman A et al
    Diabet Med. 2018 May 23.
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Factors Associated with Non-compliance for Diabetic Retinopathy Follow-up in an Urban Safety-Net Hospital.
    Chen AJ et al
    Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2018 Aug 6:1-8.
  7. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Prevalence of Chronic Microvascular Complications and Diabetic Foot Problems in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at Siriraj Hospital
    Laotaveerungrueng N , Wanthong S , Wannachalee T , Lertwattanarak R Mail
    J Med Assoc Thai 2018; 101 (10):1349-55
  8. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Association between diabetic retinopathy and diabetic foot ulcer in South Texas
    Ansel Hoang; Jeong-Hyeon Sohn; Alexander Foster
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science June 2020, Vol.61, 4838
  9. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Combining diabetic foot and retinopathy screening: A step in the right direction? - a feasibility study
    Jane Ea Lewis et al
    SAGE Open Med. 2020 Jul 28;8:2050312120946244
  10. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Incidence of interventions for diabetic retinopathy and serious lower-limb complications and its related factors in patients with type 2 diabetes using a real-world large claims database
    Ayako Yanagisawa-Sugita et al
    Diabetol Int. 2022 Jan 13;13(3):548-560
  11. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Keeping an eye on the diabetic foot: The connection between diabetic eye disease and wound healing in the lower extremity
    David J Ramsey et al
    World J Diabetes. 2022 Dec 15;13(12):1035-1048
  12. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Diabetic retinopathy relates to the incidence of foot ulcers and amputations in type 2 diabetes
    Gauthier Borderie et al
    Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2022 Dec 27
  13. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Impact of microvascular complications on the outcomes of diabetic foot in type 2 diabetic patients with documented peripheral artery disease
    Carmine Gazzaruso et al
    Endocrine. 2022 Dec 24
  14. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Association between diabetic retinopathy and diabetic foot ulcer in patients with diabetes: A meta-analysis
    Ziye Li, Jing Wei, Song Lu
    Int Wound J. 2023 Aug 9
  15. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Corneal Confocal Microscopy Predicts Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events and Demonstrates Greater Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Foot Ulcers
    Jonathan Z M Lim et al
    Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Aug 29;13(17):2793
  16. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    How have services for diabetes, eye, hearing and foot health been integrated for adults? Protocol for a scoping review
    Claire O'Shea et al
    BMJ Open. 2024 Mar 14
  17. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    An Eye for A Foot: Alarming Unawareness of Diabetic Retinopathy Among Diabetic Foot Patients
    Hikmet Erhan Güven, et al

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