< Low tone pronation | measuring new borns foot length to determine if pre-term in poorer communities >
  1. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    The latest issue of Biomechanics has this short report:
    Orthoses, exercises improve flat feet in children
  2. admin Administrator Staff Member

  3. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    Hi NewsBot,

    You reported (much cut):
    ""Physical therapy works," Ross said of the study's results. "Early intervention is worthwhile."

    Hmmmm. aren't the cohorts a little small in this study?

  4. Craig Payne Moderator

    You right - but it was just a news report from Biomechanics and not data was given in the story, so we can not judge that statement

    Small sample sizes are not necessarily a problem if the effect size was large (in fact if the effect size was large, it would be unethical to deny the control group the intervention).
  5. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    An investigation of the factors affecting flatfoot in children with delayed motor development
    Kun-Chung Chen et al
    Research in Developmental Disabilities; Available online 17 January 2014
< Low tone pronation | measuring new borns foot length to determine if pre-term in poorer communities >

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