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Foot Health training

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by spoilt mobile beauty, Jun 14, 2010.

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    i was wondering if anyone could help me about this.... i have wanted to train for a few years now, but as i had a young child it was impossible....but ive just googled uni podiatry courses and an 11 day course www.foothealthschool.com/ is this possible to gain the knowlege and certification to enable me to work in the industry :wacko::confused: any advice is appreciated x elisa
  2. Ian Linane

    Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Hi SMB

    It would not qualify you to work as a "Chiropodist/Podiatrist" or be registered with the Health Professions Council which is the governments regulatory body on such matters.

    It will not provide you with the breadth or depth of knowlege that you would attain from formal Podiatric training.

    It is most unlikely to be a university/hospital based or led course.

    It will likely result in some small skill base to provide some foot health care but this should not be confused with the level of knowlege attained from Podiatric training. Your actual scope of practice will be limited, but may be enough for what you are wanting to do.

    Certainly some, in recent years post HPC beginning, have made the most out of these courses and provide a service and make some living out of it.

    Be aware that a good many Chiropodists / Podiatrists are not happy with this situation especially when some who have trained as footcare practitioners may advertise their skills in such a way as to equate it to Podiatry

    In all honesty I would suggest you look at entry requirements for university based Podiatry training, spend your money on getting to that level (though you may have the necessary qualifications for this already) and when the timing is right with the children go for it via Podiatry training.

    Quite a few female mature students have done this

  3. Maza275

    Maza275 Welcome New Poster


    Just wondering would a Podiatry clinic employ an FHP?

  4. thanks ian. this is why i asked the question. to good to be true and all that x but would it help me do 16 hrs a week whilst training.. as i would need extra income being single. questions questions. i spoke to the college . they say its a reconised qualifacation in foot health, not podiatry and have to call self foot health practisioner.... i do want to do podiatry in full i have applied for an access course.. but a bit of extra practical work ... what do you think :confused:
  5. im not sure this is why i ask ? thanx
  6. Ian Linane

    Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Hi SMB (real name would be appreciated)

    "i do want to do podiatry in full i have applied for an access course.. but a bit of extra practical work ... what do you think "

    That really has to be your decison. There are other ways to earn money without the outlay for a training course, cost of instruments and you should be using an ultrasonic cleaner and steriliser as well so a lot of outlay (couple of thousand or more before your earn!!

    Personally, save your money, put it towards uni training when it comes along.

  7. I agree with Ian. Say a uni student is at uni for 200 days a year 3 year course 600 days, plus extra time self study etc.

    Now you take the 11 day course, it can not come close to giving the required education. If you intersted in working within the world of feet and foot related treatment, do the full course.

    If you want to see if it´s for you spend some time with a few Pods in your area, maybe NHS if you can. If you still think " this is for me" go to Uni.

    Who would you rather see someone after 11 days of training or after 600 ish ?

    PS :welcome: to Podiatry Arena.

  8. so pods would let me sit in if i asked ?

    would you ? lol thanx elisa
  9. Thanx for all your advice Ian .. Elisa;)
  10. Most Pods are intersted in promoting the profession so I would say yes.

    I have had non Pod people intersted in the profession sit in before and would do it again, Stockholm, Sweden might be a little far to travel though.

    I just ask the patient if it´s ok 99% of the time there is no problems and off we go.
  11. ;) drat ..... typical.. well thanx anyway. ile wait to see if i get into do access course first and go from there:eek:
  12. BestyPod

    BestyPod Active Member

    Hi SMB,

    I am due to hand in my final assignment on my Access course tomorrow and will start my Podiatry course this September at Northampton uni. I would highly recommend the Access course and prior to getting accepted on the Pod course I was asked to spend sometime with Podiatrists, I think to show that this was the course that I really want to do, but also to prove to the uni that I am willing to put in the effort. I have found too that Podiatrist's are wanting to help people where possible and I found my time with them extremely useful.
    I too am a mother of a young child (4), however bear in mind that the NHS will pay your course fees, you will be entitled to apply for an NHS bursary (which you won't have to pay back) and also you can apply for the maintenance loan. Every little bit helps.
    Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

  13. Ian Drakard

    Ian Drakard Active Member

    Hi Elisa

    I think most pods would let you sit in- after all most will have had the same opportunity before they started.

    If you post up a request with your rough location you may get some more local offers than stockholm (although maybe not better ones!).

    All the best
  14. lucycool

    lucycool Active Member

    Hi Elisa,
    I'm just graduating after 3 years at QMU in Edinburgh and my daughter has just turned 4. It is hard, but well worth it and as others have said you can get financial help. Just don't be afraid to ask. I phoned a few podiatrists before I started the course for a couple of days shadowing and it was great. Go for it!


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