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  1. MJJ Active Member

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  2. Griff Moderator

  3. Iñaki Active Member

    It is totally superimposed, basic photoshop. I hope this is not the way they show the world their new non-shoes...
  4. I like 'em. Didn't I say something about tattooing sponsors names onto barefoot runners feet in the barefoot thread.

    I'm going to break out the alginate and start offering custom versions. You can't beat a good old fashioned "latex dip". Anyone?

    I think the expression you're looking for is "digitally enhanced", Ian.
  5. Apparently not..... http://www.liquidlatex.net/ Seemingly very good for barebum bobsleigh too.....
  6. The question is, why did they decide to stick the second and third toes together?

    P.S. Mark, don't tell Robin about the deviants (he's from the isle of man, you know) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX8Dg4nW7lU deviants, yes!
  7. MJJ Active Member

    I was wondering the same thing about the second and third toes.
  8. But not about the deviants? ;) Perhaps Robin will explain...
  9. Make you think twice about changing sponsors .
  10. That's actually a very interesting question. Forgetting the goods in question for a moment, I used to climb with a bloke from Colorado who rock-climbed mostly barefoot - the only "mod" was that he taped together the second and third toes as he claimed it gave greater purchase and stability. Couldn't argue with him as he led a good 3 or 4 grades higher than I did, bit it seemed gimmicky at the time and I never tried it for myself. I just seemed to me that it gave him a larger surface area - in addition to the hallux - which no doubt helped on small holds. Still preferred my rubbers though....
  11. RobinP Well-Known Member

    To be honest Simon, I hadn't really noticed the 2nd and 3rd toes - looked totally normal to me;)
  12. Suzannethefoot Active Member

    I don't know enough about the barefoot running debate to join in, but these 'shoes' may be just the thing for a patient of mine who teaches karate to children, and had a huge great verruca on his foot!
  13. mgooch Member

    From what I have read...these (at least initially) will be aimed much more at the yoga, pilates, gym class sort of crowd... hence the "boutique-esque" nature of the photos.

    Though many of the barefoot blogs have picked up on these photos and are ablaze about the possibilities.
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