< Hi, interested in Guild vs Aon | Hola... hello >
  1. Isabela Luques Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, I am working in a Biomechanics Lab in Sao Paulo.
    And have some doubts!!!
  2. drjoegreg Welcome New Poster

    Hello Isabella-
    some years back I lectured in Sao paulo, met several really wonderful podologos/podiatrists. What type of biomechanics lab do you work in ? obrigado, Greg
  3. tundygap Member

    Ola Isabella,

    Bem vinda ao Podiatry Arena. Chama-me Luis e sou Podologista em Inglaterra.
  4. anDRe Active Member

    Ola Isabella

    Welcome to Pod Arena! I'm a Portuguese podiatrist working in the UK with some experience in Biomechanics!

    What are your doubts? How can we help you!
< Hi, interested in Guild vs Aon | Hola... hello >

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