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  1. Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    The podiatry arena homepage is currently showing the international clubfoot week as the top image and various links to threads here. A notable omission from the list of links is this thread: http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/showthread.php?t=69050

    Rather than just reading threads on podiatry arena about clubfoot, you can assist this charity in their work in treating clubfoot today, simply by using their search engine.
  2. I'm reminded of Geldof at Live Aid: "**** the address, give us your money now".

    Rather than clicking on links about clubfoot at Podiatry Arena (isn't it great having a home-page with a picture saying "international clubfoot week"), give people who are actually making a difference out there in the field, your money now.


    I did ask nicely for Podiatry Arena to support this charity some weeks ago.

    It was seemingly ignored by all but a handful of peeps from the UK. Sleep well the rest of you. "But, what about the barefoot running threads?" Honestly, who actually gives a toss? Kids with clubfoot need your support now; people who run barefoot out of choice are just w@nkers.
< Smart Mature shoes size 2 1/2 ( U K) | Fluoroscopically Guided Diagnostic and Therapeutic Injections Into Foot Articulations >

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