< Cape town Podiatrist - biomech | Is there minimized interest in barefoot running? >
  1. CraigT Well-Known Member

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    International Foot and Gait Education Council (IFGEC)
    Wow. Sounds impressive! Anyone heard of this???
    I have just come across this along with the 'National Shoe Fit Certification Program'- Again very impressive!
    If you do this course you get CERTIFIED with the IFGEC.

    From the website of 'the gait guys' (I don't want to provide the link)- “The International Foot & Gait Education Council” , a group of experts brought together from around the world in a combined braintrust to further foot, gait, running form and shoe forward thinking.

    I would be interested in seeing the charter of this 'council'

    I looked up Dr Shawn Allen and found a profile on 'the natural running centre' and there are a lot of other familiar names... ah!! now it all becomes clear:bang:
< Cape town Podiatrist - biomech | Is there minimized interest in barefoot running? >

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