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  1. DanShort Welcome New Poster

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    Hello Podiatry Arena.

    I am Dan Short a 3rd year student at the New York College. I have an interest in all fields of Podiatry including/but not limited to the orthopedic/biomechanical aspects of lower extremity function, diabetes and wound care, surgery, and of course primary pod med. I am almost finished my 12 week rotation in surgery and have previously completed a 12 week rotation in orthopedics, as I progress I find myself asking more and more questions and subsequently being left with more and more questions. As a caveat, I would like to say if I ask questions on anyone’s posts I am in no way being condescending or malicious, as I know it is sometimes difficult to ascertain one’s emotional intent through an internet based forum. I pride myself on having a very open mind and I find as I progress through my podiatric education I am developing a fascination with why we do what we do, i.e. why one selects a treatment modality over another and why one clinician selects choice A over choice B. I realize that on podiatry arena there is an absolute wealth of clinician experience and I look forward to learning all I can. Additionally, if anyone has any journal articles, resources etc. that they think would benefit a 3rd year student please fwd me the information as I would love to read it.

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