< Lines/cracks on child's toe nails | 5th metatarsal fracture - 5 weeks done on ca >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Hi, so I got a jones fracture.
    I am not a athlete but I am a single mother of 2. One being a 2 year old. the last few days have been super hard on me and her becuz I cant take her outside and she keeps getting hurt becuz I cant get to her fast enough on my crutches. So basically I cant wait 2+ months or so to see if it may heal. Plus I am a massage therapist. Thai style and we use our feet to step on our clients. In 2 months when I think I have healed it would be very awful if I went to...

    Jones fracture, I want surgery! will I get it?

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< Lines/cracks on child's toe nails | 5th metatarsal fracture - 5 weeks done on ca >

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