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Medial Intrinsic Skive

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Kursh Mohammed, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. Kursh Mohammed

    Kursh Mohammed Active Member

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    What technique is used to place a Kirby Skive on a plaster corrected cast, by hand?

    What equipment is used?

    It is a very tricky thing to do and I would be delighted to know if anyone has any tips.

  2. Kursh Mohammed

    Kursh Mohammed Active Member

    Thanks Mike for the link. Very useful. Though tricky to do!

    If anyone has any other methods that they wish to share would be very welcome!

  3. Kursh Mohammed

    Kursh Mohammed Active Member

    Thanks Simon, great video!

    A really simple way of achieving a medial skive. Though a shame there are only 2 videos from Ray!

    Thanks again!
  4. Kursh Mohammed

    Kursh Mohammed Active Member

    Hi if anyone else would like to share their methods on creating a Kirby skive it would appreciated!

  5. The medial skive Kirby version = the link I gave you

    And other way will be a modified medial skive tech. You can produce any form of skive you want as lond as you understand the mechanics of what you going to produce in relation to the foot thats going to wear it.
  6. efuller

    efuller MVP

    I've described a plantar lateral expansion that will create a "varus wedge" effect as the medial heel skive does. When you apply the lateral expanion plaster you "square the cast and while the plaster is still firm but soft you file off tangents to create a rounded heel cup. Looking from posterior, when you added the expansion plaster there will be addition from the center of the heel to the lateral edge. Leave the plaster that is plantar to the heel alone, except for the very lateral edge. When you are done, look at the heel from behind and you should be able to see the varus wedge effect that you created.


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